Commit 308bd1e6 authored by rizky ramadhan's avatar rizky ramadhan


parent 8120e30b
/// This file contains a Class to handle the process of sending OTP
/// There are no static methods like the previous one, and they are all instance members
/// ------------- Remote server config --------------
/// requires a auth.config.dart pacakge
/// should follow the variable conventions as follows :
/// var remoteServerConfig = {"server" : "serverUrl", "serverKey" : "Key generted from the email-auth-node package"}
/// You can pass "remoteServerConfig" to the emailAuth instance.config() and generate them.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert' as convert;
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
late String _finalOTP;
late String _finalEmail;
/// This function will check if the provided email ID is valid or not
bool _isEmail(String email) {
String p =
RegExp regExp = new RegExp(p);
return regExp.hasMatch(email);
Future<bool> _isValidServer(String url) async {
try {
/// Performs a get request to the dummy end of the server :
/// Expected result : {"message" : "success"}
http.Response _serverResponse = await http.get(Uri.parse("$url/test/dart"));
Map<String, dynamic> _jsonResponse =
return (_jsonResponse.containsKey("message") &&
_jsonResponse['message'] == 'success');
} catch (error) {
print("--- Package Error ---");
if (error.runtimeType == FormatException) {
print("Unable to access remote server. 😑");
} else {
// print(error);
print("--- End Package Error ---");
return false;
/// This function will take care of converting the reponse data and verify the mail ID provided.
bool _convertData(http.Response _response, String recipientMail) {
try {
Map<String, dynamic> _data = convert.jsonDecode(_response.body);
// print(_data); // : For future verification
/// On Success get the data from the message and store them in the variables for the final verification
if (_data["success"]) {
_finalEmail = recipientMail;
_finalOTP = _data["OTP"].toString();
print("email-auth >> OTP sent successfully ✅");
return true;
} else {
print("email-auth >> Failed to send OTP ❌");
print("email-auth >> Message from server :: ${_data["error"]}");
return false;
} catch (error) {
print("--- Package Error ---");
if (error.runtimeType == FormatException) {
print("Unable to access server. 😑");
} else {
// print(error);
print("--- End Package Error ---");
return false;
class EmailAuth {
// The server
late String _server = "";
late String _serverKey = "";
bool _validRemote = false;
// The session name
String sessionName;
// Contructing the Class with the server and the session Name
required this.sessionName,
}) {
print("email-auth >> Initialising Email-Auth server");
// future patch
// _init();
// made for future patch
// _init() { }
/// configuring the external server
/// the Map should be of the pattern {"server" : "", "serverKey" : ""}
Future<bool> config(Map<String, String> data) async {
try {
// Check the existence of the keys
// print(data);
if (data.containsKey('server') &&
data.containsKey('serverKey') &&
data['server'] != null &&
data['server']!.length > 0 &&
data['serverKey'] != null &&
data['serverKey']!.length > 0) {
/// Only proceed further if the server is valid as per the function _isValidServer
if (await _isValidServer(data['server']!)) {
this._server = data['server']!;
this._serverKey = data['serverKey']!;
this._validRemote = true;
print("email-auth >> The remote server configurations are valid");
return true;
} else {
throw new ErrorDescription(
"email-auth >> The remote server is not a valid.\nemail-auth >> configured server : \"${data['server']}\"");
} else {
throw new ErrorDescription(
"email-auth >> Remote server configurations are not valid");
} catch (error) {
print("\n--- package Error ---\n");
print("--- package Error ---");
return false;
/// Takes care of sending the OTP to the server.
/// returns a Boolean.
Future<bool> sendOtp(
{required String recipientMail, int otpLength = 6}) async {
try {
if (!_isEmail(recipientMail)) {
print("email-auth >> email ID provided is INVALID");
return false;
/// Defaults to the test server (reverts) : if the remote server is provided
if (this._server.isEmpty) {
"email-auth >> Remote server is not available -- using test server --");
print("email-auth >> ❗ Warning this is not reliable on production");
http.Response _response = await http.get(Uri.parse(
// ignore: unnecessary_brace_in_string_interps
return _convertData(_response, recipientMail);
} else if (_validRemote) {
http.Response _response = await http.get(Uri.parse(
return _convertData(_response, recipientMail);
return false;
} catch (error) {
print("--- Package Error ---");
print("--- End Package Error ---");
return false;
/// Boolean function to verify that the provided OTP and the user Email Ids, are all same.
bool validateOtp({required String recipientMail, required String userOtp}) {
if (_finalEmail.isEmpty || _finalOTP.isEmpty) {
"email-auth >> The OTP should be sent before performing validation");
return false;
if (_finalEmail.trim() == recipientMail.trim() &&
_finalOTP.trim() == userOtp.trim()) {
print("email-auth >> Validation success ✅");
return true;
print("email-auth >> Validation failure ❌");
return false;
......@@ -92,6 +92,13 @@ packages:
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "0.3.1"
dependency: "direct main"
name: email_auth
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.0.0"
dependency: transitive
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ environment:
sdk: flutter
email_auth: ^1.0.0
url_launcher: ^6.1.5
google_fonts: ^3.0.1
font_awesome_flutter: ^10.1.0
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