Commit 2724d562 authored by Dida Adams Arizona's avatar Dida Adams Arizona

Merge branch 'didam' into 'master'

update CF

See merge request !739
parents a8873758 e5b8ecca
......@@ -292,6 +292,9 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
let res = await fetch(
this.props.submissionID == null ? resNull : resReal
res = await res.blob()
if (res.size > 0) {
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(res);
......@@ -432,9 +435,11 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
let totalPrio = 0
let optPrio = ""
let prio = false
let optPrev = "", index) => {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
prio = true
optPrev = opt, indexs) => {
if (items == "+") {
optPrio = "tambah"
......@@ -476,7 +481,17 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
if (item == "+") {
opt = "tambah"
if (prio) {
total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total))
if (optPrev == "tambah") {
total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kurang") {
total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kali") {
total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "bagi") {
total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio)
} else {
total += Number(totalPrio)
prio = false
totalPrio = 0
optPrio = ""
......@@ -484,7 +499,17 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
} else if (item == "-") {
opt = "kurang"
if (prio) {
total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total))
if (optPrev == "tambah") {
total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kurang") {
total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kali") {
total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "bagi") {
total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio)
} else {
total += Number(totalPrio)
prio = false
totalPrio = 0
optPrio = ""
......@@ -492,7 +517,17 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
} else if (item == "*") {
opt = "kali"
if (prio) {
total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total))
if (optPrev == "tambah") {
total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kurang") {
total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kali") {
total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "bagi") {
total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio)
} else {
total += Number(totalPrio)
prio = false
totalPrio = 0
optPrio = ""
......@@ -500,7 +535,17 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
} else if (item == "/") {
opt = "bagi"
if (prio) {
total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total))
if (optPrev == "tambah") {
total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kurang") {
total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "kali") {
total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio)
} else if (optPrev == "bagi") {
total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio)
} else {
total += Number(totalPrio)
prio = false
totalPrio = 0
optPrio = ""
......@@ -519,6 +564,11 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
// if (String(tableMeta.rowData[5]).toLocaleUpperCase() == "4.0 CASH FLOW MOVEMENT" && column == 7) {
// console.log(item)
// console.log(totalPrio)
// console.log(total)
// }
total = R.equals(total, NaN) ? "0.0" : total
......@@ -527,14 +577,14 @@ export default class CashFlow extends Component {
// // console.log(tableMeta.rowData[5])
// if (tableMeta.rowData[5] == "1.5 Other non-current assets") {
// if (forecast !== undefined) {
// if (String(tableMeta.rowData[5]) == "Depreciation & amortisation") {
// console.log(splitFormula)
// console.log(baru)
// console.log(anjay)
// console.log(anjay2)
// console.log(total)
// console.log(dataTable2[tableMeta.rowIndex])
// }
// if (String(tableMeta.rowData[5]).toLocaleUpperCase() == "4.0 CASH FLOW MOVEMENT" && column == 7) {
// console.log(splitFormula)
// console.log(baru)
// console.log(anjay)
// console.log(anjay2)
// console.log(total)
// console.log(dataTable2[tableMeta.rowIndex])
// }
// }
if (dataTable2[tableMeta.rowIndex][column].value == undefined) {
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