import React from 'react'; import clsx from 'clsx'; import { makeStyles, useTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import Drawer from '@material-ui/core/Drawer'; import AppBar from '@material-ui/core/AppBar'; import List from '@material-ui/core/List'; import CssBaseline from '@material-ui/core/CssBaseline'; import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography'; import Divider from '@material-ui/core/Divider'; import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton'; import MenuIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Menu'; import ExpandMore from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore' import ExpandLess from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandLess' import Announcement from '@material-ui/icons/Announcement'; import ListItem from '@material-ui/core/ListItem'; import ListItemIcon from '@material-ui/core/ListItemIcon'; import Collapse from '@material-ui/core/Collapse'; import DateFnsUtils from '@date-io/date-fns'; import { MuiPickersUtilsProvider } from "@material-ui/pickers"; import localeID from 'date-fns/locale/en-US'; import ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip'; import { Switch, Route, Link, useRouteMatch, useLocation } from "react-router-dom"; import Images from '../../assets/Images'; import { UseWindowDimensions } from '../../utils/index'; import HomeRoutes from '../../router/homeRoutes' import Constant from '../../library/Constant'; import api from '../../api'; const drawerWidth = 307; const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({ root: { display: 'flex', }, appBar: { zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1, transition: theme.transitions.create(['width', 'margin'], { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen, }), }, appBarShift: { marginLeft: drawerWidth, width: `calc(100% - ${drawerWidth}px)`, transition: theme.transitions.create(['width', 'margin'], { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, }), }, menuButton: { marginRight: 36, }, hide: { display: 'none', }, drawer: { width: drawerWidth, flexShrink: 0, whiteSpace: 'nowrap', }, topleftOpen: { width: drawerWidth, borderRight: 0, transition: theme.transitions.create('width', { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, }), backgroundColor: '#273b80' }, topleftClose: { borderRight: 0, transition: theme.transitions.create('width', { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen, }), overflowX: 'hidden', width: theme.spacing(3) + 2, height: '78px', [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: { width: theme.spacing(7) + 1, }, padding: 20, display: 'flex', backgroundColor: '#273b80' }, drawerOpen: { width: drawerWidth, borderRight: 0, transition: theme.transitions.create('width', { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen, }), backgroundColor: '#f6f7f9', }, drawerClose: { borderRight: 0, transition: theme.transitions.create('width', { easing:, duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen, }), overflowX: 'hidden', width: theme.spacing(3) + 2, [theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: { width: theme.spacing(7) + 1, }, backgroundColor: '#f6f7f9', }, toolbar: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-end', padding: theme.spacing(0, 1), // necessary for content to be below app bar ...theme.mixins.toolbar, }, toolbarDrawer: { alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'flex-end', padding: theme.spacing(0, 1), // necessary for content to be below app bar // ...theme.mixins.toolbar }, content: { flexGrow: 1, padding: theme.spacing(3), }, orangeAvatar: { margin: 10, color: '#fff', backgroundColor: 'black', }, })); export default function MiniDrawer() { let location = useLocation(); const classes = useStyles(); const theme = useTheme(); const [open, setOpen] = React.useState(false); const [selectedIndex, setSelectedIndex] = React.useState([]); const [selectedIndexs, setSelectedIndexs] = React.useState([]); const [selectedSubIndex, setSelectSub] = React.useState([]); const [userFullname, setUserFullname] = React.useState("") const [userEmail, setUserEmail] = React.useState("") const [userPhoto, setUserPhoto] = React.useState("") const [application, setApplication] = React.useState([]) const [setting, setSetting] = React.useState([]) const [isApprover, setIsApprover] = React.useState(false); const [data, setData] = React.useState({ array: [ { img: Images.Home, label: 'Home', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.budgetTahunan, label: 'Master Budget & CAT', path: 'budget-tahunan', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.laporanBulanan, label: 'Monthly Report', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.rolling, label: 'Rolling Outlook & CAT Revision', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.outlookperformance, label: 'Outlook Performance Appraisal', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.operatingindicator, label: 'Operating Indicator', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.manajemenDokumen, label: 'Document Management', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.laporan, label: 'Reports', path: '', subItem: [ { img: '', label: 'Subco', path: 'beranda', }, { img: 'beranda', label: 'Summary of Triputra Group', path: 'beranda', }, { img: 'beranda', label: 'Financial Dashboard', path: 'dashboard-financial', }, { img: 'beranda', label: 'CAT Dashboard', path: 'cat-dashboard', } ], collapse: false, }, { img: '', label: 'Settings', path: 'beranda', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.masterdata, label: 'General Setting', path: '', subItem: [ { img: '', label: 'Maintenance Mode', path: 'maintenance-mode', }, ], collapse: false, }, { img: Images.masterdata, label: 'Master Data', path: '', subItem: [ { img: '', label: 'Business Unit', path: 'unit-bisnis', }, { img: '', label: 'Company', path: 'perusahaan', }, { img: '', label: 'Report Items', path: 'report-items', }, { img: '', label: 'Parameters', path: 'parameter', }, ], collapse: false, }, { img: Images.otorisasi, label: 'Authorization', path: '', subItem: [ { img: '', label: 'User Role', path: 'userrole', }, { img: '', label: 'User', path: 'user', } ], collapse: false, }, { img: Images.approvalmatrix, label: 'Approval Matrix', path: 'approval-matrix', subItem: null, collapse: false, }, { img: Images.otorisasi, label: 'User Management', path: '', subItem: [ { img: '', label: 'Profile', path: 'profile', }, { img: '', label: 'Logout', path: '', }, ], collapse: false, } ] }) React.useEffect(() => { if (userFullname === "" && userEmail === "") { getUserData() getMenuHierarki() getDetailUser() } }) const parseChildren = (val) => { let data = Object.assign([], val) data = data.sort((a, b) => a.menu_id - b.menu_id).map((i) => { return { img: i.icon === '#' ? "" : i.icon, label: i.menu_name, path: i.url, subItem: parseChildren(i.sub_menu), collapse: false } }) return data } const getDetailUser = () => { let userId = localStorage.getItem(Constant.USER) api.create().getDetailUser(userId).then((response) => { if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { getRole( } } } }) } const getRole = (id) => { api.create().getDetailRole(id).then((response) => { // console.log(response) if ( === 'success') { // this.setState({ tempData:, privileges: }) // // // console.log( if (String( == 'superadmin') { getIsApprover(true) } else { getIsApprover(false) } } else { getIsApprover(false) } }) } const getIsApprover = (superadmin) => { api.create().getAM().then((response) => { // console.log(response); let actAMActive = let userId = localStorage.getItem(Constant.USER) let indexId = actAMActive.findIndex((val) => val.user_id == userId) if (indexId != -1 || superadmin) { setIsApprover(true) } }) } const getMenuHierarki = () => { api.create().getMenuByRole().then((response) => { // console.log(response) if ( { if ( === "success") { let app = null let set = null => { if (item.menu_name === "Application") { app = parseChildren(item.sub_menu) return app } else { set = parseChildren(item.sub_menu) return set } }) setApplication(app) setSetting(set) } else { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); } } else { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); } }) } const getUserData = () => { let userId = localStorage.getItem(Constant.USER) api.create().getDetailUser(userId).then((response) => { if ( { if ( === 'success') { setUserFullname( === null ? 'Anonym' : setUserEmail( === null ? '' : setUserPhoto( === null ? "" : } } }) } const logout = () => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); } const handleDrawerOpen = () => { setOpen(true); }; const handleDrawerClose = () => { setOpen(false); }; const resetIndex = () => { setSelectedIndex("") setSelectedIndexs("") } const selectSub = (e) => { setOpen(true) setSelectSub(e) setSelectedIndex("") } const selectIndex = (e) => { setSelectSub("") setSelectedIndex(e) // alert(e) // if (open === false) { // setOpen(true) // } } let { path, url } = useRouteMatch(); const { height, width } = UseWindowDimensions(); function handleCollapse(item) { setOpen(true); let arr = application let index = arr.findIndex((val) => val.label === item.label) arr[index].collapse = !arr[index].collapse setData({ ...application, application: arr }) } function handleCollapseSetting(item) { setOpen(true); let arr = setting let index = arr.findIndex((val) => val.label === item.label) arr[index].collapse = !arr[index].collapse setData({ ...setting, setting: arr }) } return ( <div className={classes.root}> <CssBaseline /> <AppBar position="fixed" className={clsx(classes.appBar, { [classes.appBarShift]: open, })} > </AppBar> <Drawer variant="permanent" className={clsx(classes.drawer, { [classes.drawerOpen]: open, [classes.drawerClose]: !open, })} classes={{ paper: clsx({ [classes.drawerOpen]: open, [classes.drawerClose]: !open, }), }} > <div className={clsx(classes.drawer, { [classes.topleftOpen]: open, [classes.topleftClose]: !open, })} classes={{ paper: clsx({ [classes.topleftOpen]: open, [classes.topleftClose]: !open, }), }}> {open === true ? <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', flex: 1, padding: 10 }}> <img src={Images.triputra} alt="React Logo" style={{ height: 31, width: 151, alignSelf: 'center', marginLeft: 5 }} /> <IconButton onClick={handleDrawerClose} style={{ outline: 'none' }}> <MenuIcon style={{ fill: 'white' }} /> </IconButton> </div> : <IconButton color="inherit" aria-label="open drawer" style={{ outline: 'none' }} onClick={handleDrawerOpen} edge="start" className={clsx(classes.menuButton, { [classes.hide]: open, })} > <a data-tip={"Main Menu"} data-for={"main-menu"}> <MenuIcon style={{ fill: 'white', alignSelf: 'center' }} /> </a> <ReactTooltip border={true} id={"main-menu"} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" /> </IconButton>} {open && <div style={{ width: '100%', marginTop: 15, marginBottom: 60 }}> <Link to={"profile"}> <Typography style={{ fontSize: 14, color: '#fff', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: 'bold' }}>{userFullname}</Typography> </Link> <Link to={"profile"}> <Typography style={{ fontSize: 14, color: '#fff', textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 10 }}>{userEmail}</Typography> </Link> </div> } </div> <Divider /> {open && <div style={{ width: '100%', textAlign: '-webkit-center', marginTop: -45, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <Link to={"profile"}> <div className={"sub-color"} style={{ width: 90, height: 90, borderRadius: 50, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <div style={{ width: 72, height: 72, backgroundColor: '#838383', borderRadius: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }}> {userPhoto === "" ? null : <img src={userPhoto} style={{ width: 72, height: 72, borderRadius: 50 }} />} </div> </div> </Link> </div> } {open && application.length > 0 && <div style={{ marginLeft: 20, marginTop: 10 }}> <Typography style={{ color: '#525355', fontSize: 14, fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif' }}>Application</Typography> </div> } <List> {, index) => ( <div style={{ marginTop: index === 0 ? null : 5 }} > {item.subItem.length !== 0 ? <a data-tip={item.label} data-for={item.label}> <div style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row', display: 'flex', paddingLeft: 5, paddingRight: 10, cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => { handleCollapse(item) }}> <ListItem key={item.label}> <ListItemIcon style={{ minWidth: open ? 40 : 56 }}><img src={item.img} /></ListItemIcon> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{item.label}</Typography> </ListItem> {item.subItem.length !== 0 ? (item.collapse ? <ExpandLess style={{ color: "#525355", marginLeft: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }} /> : <ExpandMore style={{ color: "#525355", marginLeft: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }} />) : null} {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={item.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </div> </a> : <Link to={`${url}/${item.path}`}> <div style={{ paddingLeft: 5 }} className={selectedIndex === item.label ? "active" : ""}> <a data-tip={item.label} data-for={item.label}> <ListItem button key={item.label} onClick={() => selectIndex(item.label)}> <ListItemIcon style={{ minWidth: open ? 40 : 56 }}><img src={item.img} style={{ fill: '#525355' }} /></ListItemIcon> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{item.label}</Typography> </ListItem> </a> {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={item.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </div> </Link> } {item.subItem.length !== 0 && <div> <Collapse in={item.collapse} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit> <List component="div" disablePadding> {, indexs) => { return ( <Link to={sub.label === "Logout" ? `/` : `${url}/${sub.path}`}> <a data-tip={sub.label} data-for={sub.label}> <div style={{ paddingLeft: 5, }} className={selectedSubIndex === sub.label ? "active" : ""} onClick={() => sub.label === "Logout" ? logout() : selectSub(sub.label)}> <ListItem button style={{ paddingLeft: 57 }}> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{sub.label}</Typography> </ListItem> </div> </a> {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={sub.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </Link> ) })} </List> </Collapse> </div> } </div> ))} {isApprover && <Link to={`${url}/progress-reports`}> <div style={{ paddingLeft: 5 }} className={selectedIndex === 'Progress Report' ? "active" : ""}> <a data-tip={'Progress Report'} data-for={'Progress Report'}> <ListItem button key={'progress-reports'} onClick={() => selectIndex('Progress Report')}> <ListItemIcon style={{ minWidth: open ? 40 : 56 }}><Announcement style={{ marginLeft: -5 }} /></ListItemIcon> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{'Progress Report'}</Typography> </ListItem> </a> {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={'Progress Report'} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </div> </Link>} </List> {open && setting.length > 0 && <div style={{ marginLeft: 20 }}> <Typography style={{ color: '#525355', fontSize: 14, fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif' }}>Setting</Typography> </div> } <List style={{ marginTop: !open ? -10 : null, marginLeft: !open ? -2 : null }}> {, index) => ( <div style={{ marginTop: index === 0 ? null : 5 }} > {item.subItem.length !== 0 ? <a data-tip={item.label} data-for={item.label}> <div style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between', flexDirection: 'row', display: 'flex', paddingLeft: 5, paddingRight: 10, cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={() => { handleCollapseSetting(item) }}> <ListItem key={item.label}> <ListItemIcon style={{ minWidth: open ? 40 : 56 }}><img src={item.img} /></ListItemIcon> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{item.label}</Typography> </ListItem> {item.subItem.length !== 0 ? (item.collapse ? <ExpandLess style={{ color: "#525355", marginLeft: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }} /> : <ExpandMore style={{ color: "#525355", marginLeft: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }} />) : null} {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={item.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </div> </a> : <Link to={`${url}/${item.path}`}> <div style={{ paddingLeft: 5 }} className={selectedIndex === item.label ? "active" : ""}> <a data-tip={item.label} data-for={item.label}> <ListItem button key={item.label} onClick={() => selectIndex(item.label)}> <ListItemIcon style={{ minWidth: open ? 40 : 56 }}><img src={item.img} style={{ fill: '#525355' }} /></ListItemIcon> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{item.label}</Typography> </ListItem> </a> {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={item.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </div> </Link> } {item.subItem.length !== 0 && <div> <Collapse in={item.collapse} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit> <List component="div" disablePadding> {, indexs) => { return ( <Link to={sub.label === "Logout" ? `/` : `${url}/${sub.path}`}> <a data-tip={sub.label} data-for={sub.label}> <div style={{ paddingLeft: 5, }} className={selectedSubIndex === sub.label ? "active" : ""} onClick={() => sub.label === "Logout" ? logout() : selectSub(sub.label)}> <ListItem button style={{ paddingLeft: 57 }}> <Typography style={{ fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif', color: '#525355', fontSize: 14 }}>{sub.label}</Typography> </ListItem> </div> </a> {!open && (<ReactTooltip border={true} id={sub.label} place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" />)} </Link> ) })} </List> </Collapse> </div> } </div> ))} </List> {open && <div style={{ marginLeft: 20, marginTop: 5, paddingBottom: 20 }}> <button style={{ outline: 'none', backgroundColor: 'transparent', cursor: 'pointer', borderColor: 'transparent', }} onClick={() => logout()}> <Typography style={{ color: '#525355', fontSize: 14, fontFamily: 'Nunito Sans, sans-serif' }}>Logout</Typography> </button> </div> } </Drawer> <div className={classes.content} style={{ justifyContent: 'space-between', padding: 0, backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8' }}> <div> {/* <div className={classes.toolbar} /> */} <MuiPickersUtilsProvider locale={localeID} utils={DateFnsUtils}> <Switch> {, index) => ( // You can render a <Route> in as many places // as you want in your app. It will render along // with any other <Route>s that also match the URL. // So, a sidebar or breadcrumbs or anything else // that requires you to render multiple things // in multiple places at the same URL is nothing // more than multiple <Route>s. <Route key={index} path={route.path} // exact={route.exact} location={location} children={<route.main height={height} width={width} open={open} location={location} selectIndex={selectIndex.bind(this)} />} /> ))} </Switch> </MuiPickersUtilsProvider> {/* <Footer> <Typography style={{ fontSize: '12px' }}>© EKSAD Technology. All rights reserved.</Typography> </Footer> */} </div> </div> </div> ); }