import React, { Component, useRef } from 'react'; import { Typography, Paper, TextField, Snackbar, withStyles, Switch, FormControlLabel } from '@material-ui/core'; import Images from '../../assets/Images'; import Constant from '../../library/Constant'; import api from '../../api'; import { PropagateLoader } from 'react-spinners'; import { format } from 'date-fns'; import Autocomplete from '@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete'; import { Alert } from '@material-ui/lab'; import ReactTooltip from "react-tooltip"; import SunEditor, { buttonList } from "suneditor-react"; import 'suneditor/dist/css/suneditor.min.css'; // Import Sun Editor's CSS File const IOSSwitch = withStyles((theme) => ({ root: { width: 55, height: 31, padding: 0, margin: theme.spacing(1), }, switchBase: { padding: 3, marginLeft: 1, '&$checked': { transform: 'translateX(16px)', color: theme.palette.common.white, paddingLeft: 11, '& + $track': { backgroundColor: '#52d869', opacity: 1, border: 'none', }, }, '&$focusVisible $thumb': { color: '#52d869', border: '6px solid #fff', }, }, thumb: { width: 25, height: 25, }, track: { borderRadius: 30 / 2, border: `1px solid ${theme.palette.grey[400]}`, backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: 1, transition: theme.transitions.create(['background-color', 'border']), }, checked: {}, focusVisible: {}, }))(({ classes, ...props }) => { return ( <Switch focusVisibleClassName={classes.focusVisible} disableRipple classes={{ root: classes.root, switchBase: classes.switchBase, thumb: classes.thumb, track: classes.track, checked: classes.checked, }} {...props} /> ); }); class MaintenanceMode extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.editorRef = React.createRef(); this.editorRefEmail = React.createRef(); this.editorRefContent = React.createRef(); // this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this) this.state = { load: false, loading: false, mailcontentModeActive: "", mailcontentModeNonActive: "", checkedB: true, headline: '', maintenanceContent: "", subjectMailActive: '', subjectMailNonActive: '', maintenanceID: null, maintenanceStatus: 0, mailStatusActive: 0, mailStatusNonActive: 0, } } componentDidMount() { this.getDetailMaintenanceMode() } getDetailMaintenanceMode() { this.setState({ loading: true }) api.create().getDetailMaintenanceMode().then((response) => { console.log(response); if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { let data = console.log(data.maintenance_mail.length); let dataModeActive = data.maintenance_mail.length > 0 ? data.maintenance_mail.[0].[0] : null let dataModeNonActive = data.maintenance_mail.length > 0 ? data.maintenance_mail.[0].[1] : null this.setState({ maintenanceID: data.maintenance_id, headline: data.maintenance_headline, maintenanceContent: data.maintenance_content, maintenanceStatus: data.maintenance_status === null ? 0 : data.maintenance_status, mailStatusActive: dataModeActive === null ? 0 : dataModeActive.status, subjectMailActive: dataModeActive === null ? null : dataModeActive.mailSubject, mailcontentModeActive: dataModeActive === null ? null : dataModeActive.mailBody, mailStatusNonActive: dataModeNonActive === null ? 0 : dataModeNonActive.status, subjectMailNonActive: dataModeNonActive === null ? null : dataModeNonActive.mailSubject, mailcontentModeNonActive: dataModeNonActive === null ? null : dataModeNonActive.mailBody, }, () => { setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ loading: false }) }, 2000); }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } handleChange(e, type) { let data = this.state let isDate = type !== '' ? true : false if (isDate && type === 'start_date') { this.setState({, startDate: format(e, 'yyyy-MM-dd'), endDate: null }) } else if (isDate && type === 'end_date') { this.setState({, endDate: format(e, 'yyyy-MM-dd') }) } else { this.setState({, []: }) } } handleCreate() { let payload = { "maintenance_headline": this.state.headline, "maintenance_content": this.state.maintenanceContent, "maintenance_status": this.state.maintenanceStatus, "maintenance_mail": [ { "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_ACTIVE", "mail_subject": "TIA 4.0 Is Under Maintenance", "mail_body": "", "mail_status": 0 }, { "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_INACTIVE", "mail_subject": "TIA 4.0 is Back", "mail_body": "", "mail_status": 1 } ] // "maintenance_mail": [ // { // "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_ACTIVE", // "mail_subject": this.state.subjectMailActive, // "mail_body": this.state.mailcontentModeActive, // "mail_status": this.state.mailStatusActive // }, // { // "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_INACTIVE", // "mail_subject": this.state.subjectMailNonActive, // "mail_body": this.state.mailcontentModeNonActive, // "mail_status": this.state.mailStatusNonActive // } // ] } console.log(payload); api.create().createMaintenanceMode(payload).then((response) => { console.log(response) this.setState({ loading: true }) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'success', loading: false }, () => this.getDetailMaintenanceMode()) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } } else { // this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) alert(response.problem) this.setState({ loading: false }) } }) } handleEdit() { let payload = { "maintenance_id": this.state.maintenanceID, "maintenance_headline": this.state.headline, "maintenance_content": this.state.maintenanceContent, "maintenance_status": this.state.maintenanceStatus, // "maintenance_mail": [ // { // "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_ACTIVE", // "mail_subject": "TIA 4.0 Is Under Maintenance", // "mail_body": "", // "mail_status": 0 // }, // { // "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_INACTIVE", // "mail_subject": "TIA 4.0 is Back", // "mail_body": "", // "mail_status": 1 // } // ] "maintenance_mail": [ { "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_ACTIVE", "mail_subject": this.state.subjectMailActive, "mail_body": this.state.mailcontentModeActive, "mail_status": this.state.mailStatusActive }, { "mail_type": "MAINTENANCE_MODE_INACTIVE", "mail_subject": this.state.subjectMailNonActive, "mail_body": this.state.mailcontentModeNonActive, "mail_status": this.state.mailStatusNonActive } ] } console.log(payload); api.create().updateMaintenanceMode(payload).then((response) => { console.log(response) this.setState({ loading: true }) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'success', loading: false }, () => this.getDetailMaintenanceMode()) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } } else { // this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) alert(response.problem) this.setState({ loading: false }) } }) } closeAlert() { this.setState({ alert: false }) } // handleChange(event) { // this.setState({ ...this.state.checkedB, []: }); // }; handleImageUploadBefore(files, info, uploadHandler) { // uploadHandler is a function console.log(files, info, uploadHandler) try { this.ResizeImage(files, uploadHandler) } catch (err) { uploadHandler(err.toString()) } } handleImageUpload(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) { console.log(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) } handleImageUploadError(errorMessage, result) { console.log(errorMessage, result) } handleEditorChange(value) { // console.log(value); this.setState({ mailcontentModeActive: value }) // setContent(value) } handleDrop(event) { console.log(event); //Get the drop event } handleBlur(event, editorContents) { console.log(event, editorContents); //Get the blur event } imageUploadHandler(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) { console.log(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) } ResizeImage(files, uploadHandler) { const uploadFile = files[0]; const img = document.createElement('img'); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const reader = new FileReader(); console.log(uploadFile); reader.onload = function (e) { img.src = img.onload = function () { let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); const MAX_WIDTH = 200; const MAX_HEIGHT = 100; let width = img.width; let height = img.height; if (width > height) { if (width > MAX_WIDTH) { height *= MAX_WIDTH / width; width = MAX_WIDTH; } } else { if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) { width *= MAX_HEIGHT / height; height = MAX_HEIGHT; } } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { uploadHandler([new File([blob],]) }, uploadFile.type, 1); } } reader.readAsDataURL(uploadFile); } handleImageUploadBeforeEmail(files, info, uploadHandler) { // uploadHandler is a function console.log(files, info, uploadHandler) try { this.ResizeImageEmail(files, uploadHandler) } catch (err) { uploadHandler(err.toString()) } } handleImageUploadEmail(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) { console.log(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) } handleImageUploadErrorEmail(errorMessage, result) { console.log(errorMessage, result) } handleEditorChangeEmail(value) { // console.log(value); this.setState({ mailcontentModeNonActive: value }) // setContent(value) } handleDropEmail(event) { console.log(event); //Get the drop event } handleBlurEmail(event, editorContents) { console.log(event, editorContents); //Get the blur event } imageUploadHandlerEmail(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) { console.log(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) } ResizeImageEmail(files, uploadHandler) { const uploadFile = files[0]; const img = document.createElement('img'); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const reader = new FileReader(); console.log(uploadFile); reader.onload = function (e) { img.src = img.onload = function () { let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); const MAX_WIDTH = 200; const MAX_HEIGHT = 100; let width = img.width; let height = img.height; if (width > height) { if (width > MAX_WIDTH) { height *= MAX_WIDTH / width; width = MAX_WIDTH; } } else { if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) { width *= MAX_HEIGHT / height; height = MAX_HEIGHT; } } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { uploadHandler([new File([blob],]) }, uploadFile.type, 1); } } reader.readAsDataURL(uploadFile); } handleImageUploadBeforeContent(files, info, uploadHandler) { // uploadHandler is a function console.log(files, info, uploadHandler) try { this.ResizeImage(files, uploadHandler) } catch (err) { uploadHandler(err.toString()) } } handleImageUploadContent(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) { console.log(targetImgElement, index, state, imageInfo, remainingFilesCount) } handleImageUploadErrorContent(errorMessage, result) { console.log(errorMessage, result) } handleEditorChangeContent(value) { // console.log(value); this.setState({ maintenanceContent: value }) // setContent(value) } handleDropContent(event) { console.log(event); //Get the drop event } handleBlurContent(event, editorContents) { console.log(event, editorContents); //Get the blur event } imageUploadHandlerContent(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) { console.log(xmlHttpRequest, info, core) } ResizeImageContent(files, uploadHandler) { const uploadFile = files[0]; const img = document.createElement('img'); const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); const reader = new FileReader(); console.log(uploadFile); reader.onload = function (e) { img.src = img.onload = function () { let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); const MAX_WIDTH = 200; const MAX_HEIGHT = 100; let width = img.width; let height = img.height; if (width > height) { if (width > MAX_WIDTH) { height *= MAX_WIDTH / width; width = MAX_WIDTH; } } else { if (height > MAX_HEIGHT) { width *= MAX_HEIGHT / height; height = MAX_HEIGHT; } } canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height); canvas.toBlob(function (blob) { uploadHandler([new File([blob],]) }, uploadFile.type, 1); } } reader.readAsDataURL(uploadFile); } render() { const loadingComponent = ( <div style={{ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 110, top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)' }}> <PropagateLoader // css={override} size={20} color={"#274B80"} loading={this.state.loading} /> </div> ); return ( <div style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8', minHeight: this.props.height }}> <Snackbar open={this.state.alert} autoHideDuration={6000} onClose={() => this.closeAlert()}> <Alert onClose={() => this.closeAlert()} severity={this.state.tipeAlert}> {this.state.messageAlert} </Alert> </Snackbar> <div> {this.state.loading && loadingComponent} <div className={"main-color"} style={{ height: 78, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', paddingLeft: 20 }}> <Typography style={{ fontSize: '16px', color: 'white' }}>Maintenance Mode</Typography> </div> <div style={{ padding: 20, width: '100%' }}> <Paper style={{ paddingTop: 10, paddingBottom: 50 }}> <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'space-between', margin: 10, borderBottom: 'solid 2px #00000057', height: '100%' }}> <div > <Typography style={{ fontSize: '17px', color: '#4b4b4b', margin: 10 }}>General Setting - Maintenance Mode</Typography> </div> <div style={{ marginTop: 5, marginRight: 30 }}> {/* <button type="button" style={{ background: 'white' }} onClick={() => Alert('Coming Soon !')} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: '#fff', border: 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', marginRight: 15 }}> <span style={{ color: '#354960', fontSize: 11 }}>Batal</span> </div> </button> */} <button type="button" onClick={() => this.state.maintenanceID === null ? this.handleCreate() : this.handleEdit()} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: '#354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: '#fff', fontSize: 11 }}>Simpan</span> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div style={{ margin: 20 }}> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 20, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Maintenance Mode</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', paddingTop: 10 }}> <div> {/* <FormControlLabel control={<IOSSwitch checked={this.state.checkedB} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} name="checkedB" />} /> */} <button type="button" style={{ background: '#fff', marginRight: 15 }} onClick={() => this.setState({ maintenanceStatus: 0 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 0 ? 'green' : '#fff', border: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 0 ? 'none' : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 0 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Non Active</span> </div> </button> <button type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ maintenanceStatus: 1 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 1 ? 'red' : '#fff', border: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 1 ? null : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.maintenanceStatus === 1 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Active</span> </div> </button> </div> <Typography style={{ alignSelf: 'center', width: '80%', marginTop: 11, color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Dengan mengaktifkan, maka user selain admin tidak dapat melakukan akses ke dalam sistem. (Halaman maintenance terbuka)</Typography> </div> </div> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 20, width: '80%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Setting Halaman Maintenance</Typography> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Headline</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div> <TextField variant="outlined" id="headline" name="headline" value={this.state.headline} onChange={(e) => this.handleChange(e, '')} style={{ width: '80%' }} inputProps={{ style: { color: '#656565', height: 0 } }} /> </div> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Content</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}> <SunEditor showToolbar={true} enableToolbar={true} ref={this.editorRefContent} width={"100%"} setOptions={{ width: '80%', height: 300, buttonList: [ // default ['undo', 'redo'], ['font', 'fontSize', 'formatBlock'], ['paragraphStyle', 'blockquote'], ['fontColor', 'hiliteColor', 'textStyle'], ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'list', 'align'], ['table', 'link', 'image'], ['fullScreen'] ] // buttonList: buttonList.formatting // Or Array of button list, eg. [['font', 'align'], ['image']] // Other option }} onChange={this.handleEditorChangeContent.bind(this)} setContents={this.state.maintenanceContent} onDrop={this.handleDropContent.bind(this)} imageUploadHandler={this.imageUploadHandlerContent.bind(this)} onBlur={this.handleBlurContent.bind(this)} onImageUploadBefore={this.handleImageUploadBeforeContent.bind(this)} onImageUpload={this.handleImageUploadContent.bind(this)} onImageUploadError={this.handleImageUploadErrorContent.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> {/* <Typography style={{ marginTop: 30, width: '80%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Setting Notifikasi Email Saat Maintenance Mode Aktif</Typography> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 20, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Kirim Email Notif</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div> <button type="button" style={{ background: '#fff', marginRight: 15 }} onClick={() => this.setState({ mailStatusActive: 0 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.mailStatusActive === 0 ? 'red' : '#fff', border: this.state.mailStatusActive === 0 ? 'none' : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.mailStatusActive === 0 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Tidak</span> </div> </button> <button type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ mailStatusActive: 1 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.mailStatusActive === 1 ? 'green' : '#fff', border: this.state.mailStatusActive === 1 ? null : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.mailStatusActive === 1 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Ya</span> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Subject Email</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div> <TextField variant="outlined" id="subjectMailActive" name="subjectMailActive" onChange={(e) => this.handleChange(e, '')} value={this.state.subjectMailActive} style={{ width: '80%' }} inputProps={{ style: { color: '#656565', height: 0 } }} /> </div> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Content Email</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}> <SunEditor showToolbar={true} enableToolbar={true} ref={this.editorRef} width={"100%"} setOptions={{ width: '80%', height: 300, buttonList: [ // default ['undo', 'redo'], ['font', 'fontSize', 'formatBlock'], ['paragraphStyle', 'blockquote'], ['fontColor', 'hiliteColor', 'textStyle'], ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'list', 'align'], ['table', 'link', 'image'], ['fullScreen'] ] // buttonList: buttonList.formatting // Or Array of button list, eg. [['font', 'align'], ['image']] // Other option }} onChange={this.handleEditorChange.bind(this)} setContents={this.state.mailcontentModeActive} onDrop={this.handleDrop.bind(this)} imageUploadHandler={this.imageUploadHandler.bind(this)} onBlur={this.handleBlur.bind(this)} onImageUploadBefore={this.handleImageUploadBefore.bind(this)} onImageUpload={this.handleImageUpload.bind(this)} onImageUploadError={this.handleImageUploadError.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> */} {/* <Typography style={{ marginTop: 30, width: '80%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 15, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Setting Notifikasi Email Saat Maintenance Mode Non Aktif</Typography> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 20, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Kirim Email Notif</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div> <button type="button" style={{ background: '#fff', marginRight: 15 }} onClick={() => this.setState({ mailStatusNonActive: 0 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 0 ? 'red' : '#fff', border: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 0 ? 'none' : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 0 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Tidak</span> </div> </button> <button type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ mailStatusNonActive: 1 })} > <div style={{ width: 102, height: 30, backgroundColor: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 1 ? 'green' : '#fff', border: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 1 ? null : 'solid 1px #354960', borderRadius: 5, alignItems: 'center', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center' }}> <span style={{ color: this.state.mailStatusNonActive === 1 ? 'white' : '#354960', fontSize: 11, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>Ya</span> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Subject Email</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div> <TextField variant="outlined" id="subjectMailNonActive" name="subjectMailNonActive" onChange={(e) => this.handleChange(e, '')} value={this.state.subjectMailNonActive} style={{ width: '80%' }} inputProps={{ style: { color: '#656565', height: 0 } }} /> </div> </div> </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex', marginTop: 15, width: '100%', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}> <Typography style={{ marginTop: 13, width: '20%', color: '#656565', fontSize: 14 }}>Content Email</Typography> <div style={{ width: '80%', margin: 0, marginTop: 10 }}> <div style={{ marginTop: 20 }}> <SunEditor showToolbar={true} enableToolbar={true} ref={this.editorRefEmail} width={"100%"} setOptions={{ width: '80%', height: 300, buttonList: [ // default ['undo', 'redo'], ['font', 'fontSize', 'formatBlock'], ['paragraphStyle', 'blockquote'], ['fontColor', 'hiliteColor', 'textStyle'], ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'list', 'align'], ['table', 'link', 'image'], ['fullScreen'] ] // buttonList: buttonList.formatting // Or Array of button list, eg. [['font', 'align'], ['image']] // Other option }} onChange={this.handleEditorChangeEmail.bind(this)} setContents={this.state.mailcontentModeNonActive} onDrop={this.handleDropEmail.bind(this)} imageUploadHandler={this.imageUploadHandlerEmail.bind(this)} onBlur={this.handleBlurEmail.bind(this)} onImageUploadBefore={this.handleImageUploadBeforeEmail.bind(this)} onImageUpload={this.handleImageUploadEmail.bind(this)} onImageUploadError={this.handleImageUploadErrorEmail.bind(this)} /> </div> </div> </div> */} </div> </Paper> </div> </div> </div> ); } } export default MaintenanceMode;