import React, { Component } from 'react' import { Tabs, Tab, Typography, Paper, withStyles, Snackbar } from '@material-ui/core' import ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip' import Images from '../../assets/Images' import ManualBookTia from './ManualBookTia' import api from '../../api' import AuditTahunan from './AuditTahunan' import CreateManagementDoc from './CreateManagementDoc' import AllDocument from './AllDocument' import QReview from './QReview' import BOD from './BOD' import ManualBookETMS from './ManualBookETMS' import PopUpKonfirmasi from "./PopUpKonfirmasi"; import Constant from '../../library/Constant' import MuiAlert from '@material-ui/lab/Alert'; import PropagateLoader from "react-spinners/PropagateLoader" const Alert = withStyles({ })((props) => <MuiAlert elevation={6} variant="filled" {...props} />); export default class DocumentManagement extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { tab: 0, listData: [], id: 0, btncreate: false, btnedit: false, btndelete: false, load: false, name: '', userCompActive: [] } } getPermission() { let payload = { menu: "document management" } api.create().getPermission(payload).then(response => { // console.log(response) if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ btncreate:, btnedit:, btndelete:, load: true }) } else { this.setState({ load: true }) } } else { this.setState({ load: true }) } }) } selectTab = (event, newEvent) => { this.setState({ tab: newEvent }) // console.log( } componentDidMount() { this.getDataDocument() this.getPermission() this.getDetailUser() } getDataDocument(id, name) { api.create().getDocumentCategory().then(response => { // console.log(response); if (response) { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ listData:, id: id === undefined ?[0].setting_id : id, name: name === undefined ?[0].value : name, loadTable: true, refresh: id === undefined ? '' : 'create' }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } }) } createDocument(payload, settingID, menuName) { this.setState({ loading: true }) api.create().uploadDocument(payload).then(response => { // console.log(response) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === "The Document Already Exists in The System, Do You Want to Overwrite It?") { this.setState({ konfirmasi: true, formData: payload, docId:, settingID, menuName, loading: false }) } else if ( === "Data was Saved Successfully") { this.getDataDocument(settingID, menuName) this.setState({ visibleCreate: false, loading: false, alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'success', settingID, menuName}) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } }) } createUploadDocument() { this.setState({ visibleCreate: false, konfirmasi: false }) const formData = this.state.formData formData.append("documentId", this.state.docId) formData.append("updated", 1) this.setState({ loading: true }) api.create().updateDocument(formData).then(response => { // console.log(response) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === "success") { this.getDataDocument(this.state.settingID, this.state.menuName) this.setState({ konfirmasi: false, alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'success', visibleCreate: false, loading: false }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }) } }) } getID(id) { // console.log(id); this.setState({ id }) } closeAlert() { this.setState({ alert: false }) } handleLoading(tipe) { this.setState({ loading: tipe == 0 ? false : true }) } getDetailUser() { let userId = localStorage.getItem(Constant.USER) api.create().getDetailUser(userId).then((response) => { if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { this.setState({ userCompany:, visibleTrue: false }, () => { this.getCompanyActive() }) } } } }) } getCompanyActive() { api.create().getPerusahaanActive().then((response) => { if ( { if ( === 'success') { let data = let compActive = [] let userCompActive = [], index) => { let indeks = data.findIndex((val) => val.company_id == item) if (indeks !== -1 && String(data[indeks].status).toLocaleLowerCase() == 'active'){ userCompActive.push(item) } }) item, index ) => { if (String(item.status).toLocaleLowerCase() == 'active') { compActive.push(item) } }) if (compActive.length == userCompActive.length){ this.setState({ btnadd: true}) } else { this.setState({ btnadd: false}) } this.setState({ userCompActive, visibleTrue: true }) // console.log(userCompActive) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', visibleTrue: true }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', listCompany: null, company: null, visibleTrue: true }) } }) } render() { const loadingComponent = ( <div style={{ position: 'absolute', zIndex: 1500, top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', background: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)' }}> <PropagateLoader // css={override} size={20} color={"#274B80"} loading={this.state.loading} /> </div> ); return ( <div style={{ height: this.props.height, backgroundColor: '#f8f8f8' }}> {/* {this.props.load && ()} */} <Snackbar open={this.state.alert} autoHideDuration={6000} onClose={() => this.closeAlert()}> <Alert onClose={() => this.closeAlert()} severity={this.state.tipeAlert}> {this.state.messageAlert} </Alert> </Snackbar> <div className={"main-color"} style={{ height: 78, display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', paddingLeft: 20 }}> <Typography style={{ fontSize: '16px', color: 'white' }}>Document Management</Typography> </div> <div style={{ padding: 20 }}> {this.state.loading && loadingComponent} <Paper style={{ padding: 20 }}> <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}> {(this.state.btncreate) && <span> <a data-tip={'Add'} data-for="add"> <div style={{ display: 'grid', justifyContent: 'flex-end' }}> <button type="button" onClick={() => this.setState({ visibleCreate: true, refresh: '' })} style={{ marginRight: 25, background: 'transparent' }} > <img src={Images.add} /> </button> </div> </a> <ReactTooltip border={true} id="add" place="bottom" type="light" effect="solid" /> </span>} </div> <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}> <Tabs orientation="vertical" variant="scrollable" value={} onChange={this.selectTab} aria-label="simple tabs example" style={{ width: 350 }} > {, index) => { return ( <Tab onClick={() => this.setState({ name: item.value, id: item.setting_id, refresh: '', loadTable : false }, () => this.setState({loadTable: true}))} label={item.value} /> ) })} </Tabs> {this.state.loadTable && this.state.visibleTrue && ( <AllDocument data={this.state.listData[]} refresh={this.state.refresh} btnedit={this.state.btnedit} btndelete={this.state.btndelete} load={this.state.load} setId={} userCompActive={this.state.userCompActive} allsubcoEdit={this.state.btnadd} handleLoading={this.handleLoading.bind(this)} name={} /> // === 68542 ? // <AuditTahunan // data={this.state.listData[]} // refresh={this.state.refresh} // btnedit={this.state.btnedit} // btndelete={this.state.btndelete} // load={this.state.load} // /> // : // === 68541 ? // <ManualBookTia // data={this.state.listData[]} // refresh={this.state.refresh} // btnedit={this.state.btnedit} // btndelete={this.state.btndelete} // load={this.state.load} // /> // : // === 68544 ? // <QReview // data={this.state.listData[]} // refresh={this.state.refresh} // btnedit={this.state.btnedit} // btndelete={this.state.btndelete} // load={this.state.load} // /> // : // === 68543 ? // <BOD // data={this.state.listData[]} // refresh={this.state.refresh} // btnedit={this.state.btnedit} // btndelete={this.state.btndelete} // load={this.state.load} // /> // // : // // === 68545 ? // // <ManualBookETMS // // data={this.state.listData[]} // // refresh={this.state.refresh} // // /> // : // <span>Coming Soon</span> )} </div> </Paper> </div> {this.state.konfirmasi && ( <PopUpKonfirmasi onClickClosePopUp={() => this.setState({ konfirmasi: false })} uploadDocId={this.createUploadDocument.bind(this)} /> )} {this.state.visibleCreate && ( <CreateManagementDoc onClickClose={() => this.setState({ visibleCreate: false })} // getDataDocument={this.getDataDocument.bind(this)} createDocument={this.createDocument.bind(this)} setting_id={} name={} handleLoading={this.handleLoading.bind(this)} allsubcoCreate={this.state.btnadd} /> )} </div> ) } }