import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Typography, Paper, TextField, MenuItem, Select, FormControlLabel, Snackbar, withStyles, createMuiTheme, MuiThemeProvider, Checkbox, Input } from '@material-ui/core'; import MUIDataTable from 'mui-datatables'; import Images from '../../assets/Images'; import BalanceSheet from './BalanceSheet'; import api from '../../api'; import Autocomplete from '@material-ui/lab/Autocomplete'; import MuiAlert from '@material-ui/lab/Alert'; import { titleCase } from '../../library/Utils'; import ProfitLoss from './ProfitLoss'; import TaxPlanning from './TaxPlanning'; import FixedAssetsMovement from './FixedAssetsMovement'; import CorporateAnnualTarget from './CorporateAnnualTarget'; import { ExcelRenderer } from 'react-excel-renderer'; import UploadFile from "../../library/Upload"; import { format } from 'date-fns'; import Constant from '../../library/Constant'; import PropagateLoader from "react-spinners/PropagateLoader" import CashFlow from './CashFlow'; import { DatePicker } from '@material-ui/pickers'; import moment from 'moment'; import * as R from 'ramda' import { PhotoSizeSelectLargeTwoTone, ThreeSixty, TripOriginSharp } from '@material-ui/icons'; import { startTransition } from 'react'; var ct = require("../../library/CustomTable"); const getMuiTheme = () => createMuiTheme(ct.customTable()); const Alert = withStyles({ })((props) => ); const CustomCheckbox = withStyles({ root: { color: '#5198ea', '&$checked': { color: '#5198ea', }, }, checked: {}, })((props) => ); export default class BudgetTahunan extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { perusahaan: 'TAP Group', listRevision: null, revision: null, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, visibleBS: false, listPeriode: null, periode: null, listCompany: null, company: null, report_id: null, visiblePL: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleCAT: false, visibleCF: false, listAttachment: [], visibleUpload: false, revisionTable: null, alert: false, tipeAlert: '', messageAlert: '', submissionID: null, isSubmit: false, visibleTableHistory: false, isApprover: false, lastStatus: "", intent: "", approverID: null, pic: '', submitter: false, detailRevisiCheck: [], lastRevision: "", checkApprover: false, lastPeriod: '', latestPeriode: '', minDateRevision: new Date(), maxDateRevision: new Date(), btnApprove: false, isAdmin: false, btncreate: false, loadview: false, permissionhandle: false, userType: '', PLBSFAMSubmitted: false, PLID: null, FRID: null, listApprover: null, truelyApprover: false, approver: null, isAdmin: false, selectReport: [], isCheckAll: false, downloadedFileReportId: null, arrayReport: [], popupDownload: false, defaultCurrency: null, dataCurrency: [], currency: [], visibleAlertSave: false, dataCurrency: [ { "id": 1, "value": "IDR" }, { "id": 2, "value": "USD", } ] } this.myRef = React.createRef() this.fileHandler = this.fileHandler.bind(this); } scrollToMyRef = () => window.scrollTo(0, this.myRef.current.offsetTop) componentDidMount() { this.setState({ loading: true }, () => { = 'hidden'; }) this.props.selectIndex('Master Budget & CAT') console.log(this.props); if (this.props.location.state !== undefined) { this.setState({ userType: this.props.location.state.userType, intent: 'Home', lastPeriod: this.props.location.state.rawData.periode, rawData: this.props.location.state.rawData }, () => { this.getPermission() // this.checkApprover() }) } else { this.getPermission() // this.checkApprover() } } getPermission() { let payload = { menu: "Master Budget & CAT" } api.create().getPermission(payload).then(response => { if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ btncreate:, btnedit:, btndelete:, // load: true }, () => { this.checkApprover() }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } getRole(id) { api.create().getDetailRole(id).then((response) => { if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { // this.setState({ tempData:, privileges: }) // // // console.log( if (String( == 'superadmin') { this.setState({ isAdmin: true }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } componentWillUnmount() { = 'unset'; } checkApprover() { api.create().checkApprover().then(response => { console.log(response) if ( { if ( === "success") { if ( === true) { this.setState({ truelyApprover: true, isApprover: true, permissionhandle: true, checkApprover: true }, () => { this.getPeriode() }) } else { this.setState({ truelyApprover: false, isApprover: false, permissionhandle: false, checkApprover: false }, () => this.getDetailUser()) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } getCompanySubmitted() { let body = { "periode": this.state.periode.periode } api.create().getCompanySubmitted(body).then(response => { // // // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === 'success') { if ( > 0) { let data = let companyData = => { return { company_id: item.company_id, company_name: item.company_name, } }) if (companyData.length > 0) { companyData = companyData.sort((a, b) => a.company_name.localeCompare(b.company_name)) } let defaultProps = { options: companyData, getOptionLabel: (option) => titleCase(option.company_name), } let indexID = null if (this.state.rawData !== undefined) { indexID = companyData.findIndex((val) => val.company_id == this.state.rawData.company_id) } this.setState({ listCompany: defaultProps, company: indexID == null ? ( !== null ? : companyData[0]) : companyData[indexID] }, () => { // this.setState({ listCompany: defaultProps, company: indexID == null ? companyData[0] : companyData[indexID] }, () => { if ( > 0) { this.getRevision() this.getCurrency( } else { this.setState({ listRevision: null, revision: null, dataTable: [], checkApprover: false, lastRevision: "", visibleTableHistory: false }) } // }) } else { this.setState({ listRevision: null, revision: null, dataTable: [], checkApprover: false, lastRevision: "", visibleTableHistory: false, loading: false }, () => { = 'unset'; }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', listCompany: null, company: null }) } }) } getReportAttachment() { let payload = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "revision": this.state.revision.revision, } api.create().getMasterBudgetAtt(payload).then(response => { // // // console.log(response) if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ listAttachment: }) } } // // // console.log(response); }) } getReport() { let payload = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "report_type": "Master Budget", "currency_id": } api.create().getReportTypeBody(payload).then(response => { console.log(response); if ( { if ( === "success") { let dataTable =, index) => { let indexC = String(item.current_status).toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf('C') let status_approv = '' if (String(item.current_status).toLocaleUpperCase().includes('CC')) { status_approv = `${String(item.current_status).substr(0, indexC)}${String(item.current_status).substr(indexC + 1, String(item.current_status).length)}` } else { status_approv = String(item.current_status) } const handleOpbal = (item) => { let isUpload = false if (Number(this.state.periode.periode) <= 2020) { isUpload = true } else { isUpload = item } return isUpload } // console.log(this.state.lastStatus); // console.log(this.state.isSubmit); // console.log(status_approv); return [ item.number, item.report_name === 'CAT' ? 'Corporate Annual Target' : item.report_name, item.revision, this.state.lastStatus === 'APPROVED' ? 'CLOSED' : this.state.isSubmit === false ? "CLOSED" : status_approv, item.report_id, item.report_name === "Cash Flow" ? handleOpbal(item.is_can_upload) : (Number(item.revision) > 0 ? (item.current_status == "not-yet" ? false : handleOpbal(item.is_can_upload)) : handleOpbal(item.is_can_upload)), item.revision ] }) // console.log(dataTable); let dataTableRevision = [], index) => { if (item.report_name !== 'Cash Flow') { dataTableRevision.push([ item.report_id, item.report_name === 'CAT' ? 'Corporate Annual Target' : item.report_name, "", item.number ]) } }) // // // console.log(dataTableRevision); this.setState({ loading: false, dataTable, dataTableRevision: dataTableRevision.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number), dataForRevision: }, () => { = 'unset'; }) } } else { this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { = 'unset'; }) } }) } getLatestPeriodSubmit() { let body = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode } api.create().getSubmitMasterBudget(body).then(response => { // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ isSubmit: }, () => { this.getReportAttachment() this.getReport() }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } }) } getCurrency(companyID) { // console.log(companyID); api.create().getDetailPerusahaan(companyID).then(response => { if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === "success") { let data = let datas = [] if ( > 0) { => { // console.log(item); datas.push({ id: item.currencyId, value: item.currencyName }) }) } let index = datas.findIndex((val) => == this.setState({ defaultCurrencyID:, currency: datas, defaultCurrency: index == -1 ? null : datas[index] }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } getDetailUser() { let userId = localStorage.getItem(Constant.USER) api.create().getDetailUser(userId).then((response) => { if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { this.getRole( this.setState({ userCompany: }, () => { this.getCompanyActive() }) } } } }) } getCompanyActive() { api.create().getPerusahaanActive().then((response) => { // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === 'success') { let data = let comID = this.state.rawData ? this.state.rawData.company_id : 0 let companyData = => { return { company_id: item.company_id, company_name: item.company_name, } }) let arrayBaru = [], index) => { let indexID = companyData.findIndex((val) => val.company_id == item) if (indexID !== -1) { arrayBaru.push(companyData[indexID]) } }) if (arrayBaru.length > 0) { arrayBaru = arrayBaru.sort((a, b) => a.company_name.localeCompare(b.company_name)) } let defaultProps = { options: arrayBaru, getOptionLabel: (option) => titleCase(option.company_name), }; let index = arrayBaru.findIndex((val) => val.company_id == comID) this.setState({ listCompany: defaultProps, company: arrayBaru.length < 1 ? companyData[0] : (index == -1 ? arrayBaru[0] : arrayBaru[index]) }, () => { this.getLastPeriod() }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', listCompany: null, company: null }) } }) } getLastPeriod() { this.setState({ loading: false }) api.create().getLastPeriod( => { // console.log(response); if ( === "success") { this.setState({ lastPeriod: this.state.userType !== '' ? this.state.lastPeriod :, latestPeriode: }, () => { this.getPeriode() }) } }) } getPeriode() { api.create().getPeriodeTransaction().then(response => { // console.log(response); // let dateNow = new Date // let year = this.state.rawData ? this.state.rawData.periode : format(dateNow, 'yyyy') let currentYear = new Date().getFullYear() // // // console.log(currentYear) if ( { if ( === "success") { let data = [] => { if (this.state.isApprover) { if (item >= 2000 && item <= (Number(currentYear) + 1)) { data.push(item) } } else { if ((item >= 2000) && (item == this.state.lastPeriod || item < this.state.lastPeriod)) { data.push(item) } } }) let periodeData = => { return { periode: item, } }) let defaultProps = { options: periodeData, getOptionLabel: (option) => option.periode, }; let periode = (this.state.lastPeriod == "" ? String(Number(currentYear)) : this.state.lastPeriod) let index = data.sort((a, b) => a - b).findIndex((val) => val === periode) // // console.log(this.props.location.state.rawData) // console.log(this.state.lastPeriod) // console.log(periode) // console.log(index) // console.log(periodeData) // // // console.log(index) console.log(this.state.isApprover); this.setState({ listPeriode: defaultProps, periode: index === -1 ? periodeData[0] : periodeData[index] }, () => { if (this.state.isApprover === true) { this.getCompanySubmitted() } else { this.getRevision() this.getCurrency( } }) } } }) } getRevision() { this.setState({ selectReport: [], isCheckAll: false }, () => { let payload = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode } api.create().getRevision(payload).then(response => { // // // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === "success") { let data = let revisionData = => { return { revision: item, } }) let defaultProps = { options: revisionData, getOptionLabel: (option) => option.revision, }; this.setState({ listRevision: defaultProps, revision: revisionData[0] }, () => { this.getSubmission() }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error', listRevision: null, revision: null }) } }) }) } getSubmission(type) { this.setState({ loading: true }, () => { = 'hidden'; }) let payload = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "is_approver": this.state.isAdmin && this.state.lastStatus == 'WAITING FOR APPROVAL' ? false : (this.state.permissionhandle ? this.state.permissionhandle : this.state.isApprover) } console.log(payload) api.create().getSubmission(payload).then(response => { console.log(response) if ( { if ( === "success") { if (type === "CAT" || type === "DraftCAT") { this.setState({ visibleCAT: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } this.setState({ submissionID:, submitter:, approverID:, pic: == null ? '' :, lastStatus: === null ? 'SUBMIT' :, lastRevision:, btnApprove:, loading: false }, () => { // // console.log(; // // console.log(this.state.btnApprove) this.historyApproval() this.getLatestPeriodSubmit() // this.getCashFlow(type) // this.getPL(type) if (this.state.isAdmin) { // console.log('masuk') api.create().getListApprover('master_budget', this.state.submissionID).then((response) => { // console.log(response) if ( { let dataListApprover = [], index) => { dataListApprover.push({ userId: item.user_id, fullname: item.fullname }) }) let defaultProps = { options: dataListApprover, getOptionLabel: (option) => option.fullname, }; this.setState({ listApprover: defaultProps }) } }) } if (type != undefined && type == 'PL') { // this.getCashFlow(type) this.getPL(type) } else if (type != undefined && type == 'BS') { let bodyRatioBs = { "report": 'ratio', "submissionId": this.state.submissionID, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "companyId":, "currency_id":, } // console.log(bodyRatioBs); api.create().triggerRatioMB(bodyRatioBs).then((res) => { console.log(res) this.setState({ loading: false }) }) } else { this.setState({ loading: false }) } // this.getFR(type) api.create().checkApprover().then(response => { // console.log(this.state.btnedit) // console.log(this.state.btncreate); // console.log(response); if (this.state.btncreate === true && this.state.btnedit === true) { this.setState({ isApprover: false }, () => { if ( === true) { this.setState({ checkApprover: true }) } else { this.setState({ checkApprover: false }) } }) } else { this.setState({ isApprover: true }, () => { if ( === true) { this.setState({ checkApprover: true }) } else { this.setState({ checkApprover: false }) } }) } }) }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', submissionID: null, loading: false }, () => { = 'unset'; if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } }) } getCashFlow(type) { let payload = { "report_id": 6, "revision": Number(this.state.lastRevision), "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "company_id":, "currency_id":, "submission_id": this.state.submissionID } api.create().getDetailReportCF(payload).then(response => { // console.log(response); let dataTable = [] if ( { let res = const handlePushChild = (item) => { let indexIDzz = dataTable.findIndex((val) => val[1] === if (indexIDzz === -1) { dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.cash_flow.total_actual_before === null ? "0" : item.cash_flow.total_actual_before === "" ? "0" : item.cash_flow.total_actual_before, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.january, formula: item.cash_flow.january_formula } : item.cash_flow.january, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.february, formula: item.cash_flow.february_formula } : item.cash_flow.february, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.march, formula: item.cash_flow.march_formula } : item.cash_flow.march, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.april, formula: item.cash_flow.april_formula } : item.cash_flow.april, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.may, formula: item.cash_flow.may_formula } : item.cash_flow.may, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.june, formula: item.cash_flow.june_formula } : item.cash_flow.june, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.july, formula: item.cash_flow.july_formula } : item.cash_flow.july, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.august, formula: item.cash_flow.august_formula } : item.cash_flow.august, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.september, formula: item.cash_flow.september_formula } : item.cash_flow.september, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.october, formula: item.cash_flow.october_formula } : item.cash_flow.october, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.november, formula: item.cash_flow.november_formula } : item.cash_flow.november, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.december, formula: item.cash_flow.december_formula } : item.cash_flow.december, item.cash_flow.total_current_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.cash_flow.total_next_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.cash_flow.total_more_year, item.order, item.condition_it_should_be, item.condition_if_wrong, item.cash_flow.forecast_formula == null ? [] : item.cash_flow.forecast_formula ]) } if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }, index) => { dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.cash_flow.total_actual_before === null ? "0" : item.cash_flow.total_actual_before === "" ? "0" : item.cash_flow.total_actual_before, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.january, formula: item.cash_flow.january_formula } : item.cash_flow.january, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.february, formula: item.cash_flow.february_formula } : item.cash_flow.february, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.march, formula: item.cash_flow.march_formula } : item.cash_flow.march, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.april, formula: item.cash_flow.april_formula } : item.cash_flow.april, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.may, formula: item.cash_flow.may_formula } : item.cash_flow.may, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.june, formula: item.cash_flow.june_formula } : item.cash_flow.june, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.july, formula: item.cash_flow.july_formula } : item.cash_flow.july, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.august, formula: item.cash_flow.august_formula } : item.cash_flow.august, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.september, formula: item.cash_flow.september_formula } : item.cash_flow.september, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.october, formula: item.cash_flow.october_formula } : item.cash_flow.october, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.november, formula: item.cash_flow.november_formula } : item.cash_flow.november, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.cash_flow.december, formula: item.cash_flow.december_formula } : item.cash_flow.december, item.cash_flow.total_current_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.cash_flow.total_next_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.cash_flow.total_more_year, item.order, item.condition_it_should_be, item.condition_if_wrong, item.cash_flow.forecast_formula == null ? [] : item.cash_flow.forecast_formula, ]) if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }) // console.log(dataTable) this.setState({ dbCF: dataTable }, () => { this.olahDataCashFlow(this.state.dbCF, type) }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } }) } handleValueFormula = (indexDBCF, value, tableMeta, column, periode, forecast) => { let splitFormula = String(tableMeta[3]).split(/([()@])/) let baru = [] let anjay = [] let dataTable2 = this.state.dbCF, index) => { let items = String(item).substr(Number(String(item).length) - 1, 1) let subForm = String(item).substr(0, Number(String(item).length) - 1) let re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/; if (item !== "" && item !== '@') { if (!re.test(items)) { baru.push(subForm) baru.push(items) } else { baru.push(String(item)) } } }), index) => { if (item == '-' || item == '+' || item == '/' || item == '*' || item == '(' || item == ')') { anjay.push(item) } else { if (String(item).includes('#')) { if (String(item).includes('[M-1]')) { if (forecast !== undefined) { let forecastt = 0 if (column == 19) { let tst = String(item).replace('[M-1]', '') let data = 18 let period = this.state.periode.periode - 1 let indexID = tableMeta[data].formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${tst}`) && val.periode == period) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = tableMeta[data].formula[indexID].value if (tableMeta[5] == "Cash at the beginning period") { // console.log(dataTable2[tableMeta.rowIndex+1]) // console.log(dataTable2[tableMeta.rowIndex+1][data].value) let valuezzz = dataTable2[indexDBCF + 1][data].value forecastt += Number(valuezzz == "" ? 0 : valuezzz) } else { forecastt += Number(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } if (column == 20) { let tst = String(item).replace('[M-1]', '') let data = 18 let period = this.state.periode.periode let indexID = tableMeta[data].formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${tst}`) && val.periode == period) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = tableMeta[data].formula[indexID].value if (tableMeta[5] == "Cash at the beginning period") { let valuezzz = dataTable2[indexDBCF + 1][19] forecastt += Number(valuezzz == "" ? 0 : valuezzz) } else { forecastt += Number(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } if (column == 21) { let tst = String(item).replace('[M-1]', '') let period = Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1 let indexID = forecast.findIndex((val) => String(val.item_formula).replace('forecast_', '') == String(`@${tst}`) && val.periode == period) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = forecast[indexID].value if (tableMeta[5] == "Cash at the beginning period") { let valuezzz = dataTable2[indexDBCF + 1][20] forecastt += Number(valuezzz == "" ? 0 : valuezzz) } else { forecastt += Number(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } anjay.push(forecastt) } else { let tst = String(item).replace('[M-1]', '') let data = column == 7 ? 18 : column - 1 let period = data == 18 ? Number(this.state.periode.periode) - 1 : this.state.periode.periode let indexID = tableMeta[data].formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${tst}`) && val.periode == period) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = tableMeta[data].formula[indexID].value if (tableMeta[5] == "Cash at the beginning period" && column != 7) { let valuezzz = dataTable2[indexDBCF + 1][data].value anjay.push(valuezzz == "" ? 0 : valuezzz) } else { anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } } else { if (forecast !== undefined) { let indexID = forecast.findIndex((val) => String(val.item_formula).replace('forecast_', '') == String(`@${item}`) && val.periode == Number(periode)) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = forecast[indexID].value anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : Number(valuezz)) } } else { let indexID = value.formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${item}`) && val.periode == Number(this.state.periode.periode)) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = value.formula[indexID].value anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } } else { let indexID = dataTable2.findIndex((val) => val[22] == item) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = dataTable2[indexID][column].value == undefined ? dataTable2[indexID][column] : dataTable2[indexID][column].value if (item == dataTable2[indexDBCF][22]) { anjay.push(0) } else { anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } else { if (item === '(-1)') { anjay.push(-1) } } } } }) let anjay2 = [] let kurung = false let item1 = [], index) => { if (item == "(") { kurung = true } else if (item == ")") { kurung = false anjay2.push(item1) item1 = [] } else { if (kurung) { item1.push(item) } else { anjay2.push(item) } } }) let total = 0 let opt = "" let totalPrio = 0 let optPrio = "" let prio = false let optPrev = "", index) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { prio = true optPrev = opt, indexs) => { if (items == "+") { optPrio = "tambah" } else if (items == "-") { optPrio = "kurang" } else if (items == "*") { optPrio = "kali" } else if (items == "/") { optPrio = "bagi" } else { if (optPrio == "tambah") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) + Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "kurang") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) - Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "kali") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) * Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "bagi") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) / Number(items) == NaN ? 0 : Number(totalPrio) / Number(items) } else { totalPrio += Number(items) } } }) if (index == anjay2.length - 1) { if (opt == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } } } else { if (item == "+") { opt = "tambah" if (prio) { if (optPrev == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "-") { opt = "kurang" if (prio) { if (optPrev == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "*") { opt = "kali" if (prio) { if (optPrev == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "/") { opt = "bagi" if (prio) { if (optPrev == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (optPrev == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else { if (opt == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(item) } else if (opt == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(item) } else if (opt == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(item) } else if (opt == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(item) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(item) } else { total += Number(item) } } } }) // if(tableMeta[5] == '2.1 Additional fixed assets and CIP' && column == 7) { // console.log(splitFormula) // console.log(baru) // console.log(anjay) // console.log(anjay2) // console.log(total) // } total = R.equals(total, NaN) ? "0.0" : Number(total).toFixed(1) return total } handleForecast = (index, tableMeta, periode, column) => { let total = 0 let dataTable2 = this.state.dbCF // let indexID = dataTable2.findIndex((val) => tableMeta[1] == val[1]) // if (indexID != -1) { total = this.handleValueFormula(index, dataTable2[index][column], tableMeta, column, periode, dataTable2[index][25]) // } return total } olahDataCashFlow(dbCF, type) {, index) => { if (item[0] == 5 || item[0] == 6 || item[0] == 7) { item[7].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[7], item, 7) item[8].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[8], item, 8) item[9].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[9], item, 9) item[10].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[10], item, 10) item[11].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[11], item, 11) item[12].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[12], item, 12) item[13].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[13], item, 13) item[14].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[14], item, 14) item[15].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[15], item, 15) item[16].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[16], item, 16) item[17].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[17], item, 17) item[18].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[18], item, 18) item[19] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode)}`, 19) item[20] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1}`, 20) item[21] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 2}`, 21) } }) // console.log(dbCF) this.setState({ dbCF }, () => { this.payloadCF(type) }) } payloadCF(type) { let listCF = [], index) => { if (item[0] == 5 || item[0] == 6 || item[0] == 7) { item[7].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[7], item, 7) item[8].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[8], item, 8) item[9].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[9], item, 9) item[10].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[10], item, 10) item[11].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[11], item, 11) item[12].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[12], item, 12) item[13].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[13], item, 13) item[14].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[14], item, 14) item[15].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[15], item, 15) item[16].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[16], item, 16) item[17].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[17], item, 17) item[18].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[18], item, 18) item[19] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode)}`, 19) item[20] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1}`, 20) item[21] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 2}`, 21) } listCF.push(item) }) this.setState({ dbCF: listCF }, () => { this.olahDataCashFlowOneMore(listCF, type) }) } olahDataCashFlowOneMore(list, type) { // console.log(list) let listCF = [], index) => { if (item[0] == 5 || item[0] == 6 || item[0] == 7) { // if (item[7].value == "" || item[7].value == 0 || item[7].value == "0.0") { item[7].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[7], item, 7) // } // if (item[8].value == "" || item[8].value == 0 || item[8].value == "0.0") { item[8].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[8], item, 8) // } // if (item[9].value == "" || item[9].value == 0 || item[9].value == "0.0") { item[9].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[9], item, 9) // } // if (item[10].value == "" || item[10].value == 0 || item[10].value == "0.0") { item[10].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[10], item, 10) // } // if (item[11].value == "" || item[11].value == 0 || item[11].value == "0.0") { item[11].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[11], item, 11) // } // if (item[12].value == "" || item[12].value == 0 || item[12].value == "0.0") { item[12].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[12], item, 12) // } // if (item[13].value == "" || item[13].value == 0 || item[13].value == "0.0") { item[13].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[13], item, 13) // } // if (item[14].value == "" || item[14].value == 0 || item[14].value == "0.0") { item[14].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[14], item, 14) // } // if (item[15].value == "" || item[15].value == 0 || item[15].value == "0.0") { item[15].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[15], item, 15) // } // if (item[16].value == "" || item[16].value == 0 || item[16].value == "0.0") { item[16].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[16], item, 16) // } // if (item[17].value == "" || item[17].value == 0 || item[17].value == "0.0") { item[17].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[17], item, 17) // } // if (item[18].value == "" || item[18].value == 0 || item[18].value == "0.0") { item[18].value = this.handleValueFormula(index, item[18], item, 18) // } item[19] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode)}`, 19) // if (item[20] == "" || item[20] == 0 || item[20] == "0.0") { item[20] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1}`, 20) // } // if (item[21] == "" || item[21] == 0 || item[21] == "0.0") { item[21] = this.handleForecast(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 2}`, 21) // } } listCF.push( { "item_report_id": item[1], "parent": item[2], "formula": String(item[3]), "item_name": item[5], "january": String(item[7].value == undefined ? item[7] : Number(item[7].value).toFixed(1)), "february": String(item[8].value == undefined ? item[8] : Number(item[8].value).toFixed(1)), "march": String(item[9].value == undefined ? item[9] : Number(item[9].value).toFixed(1)), "april": String(item[10].value == undefined ? item[10] : Number(item[10].value).toFixed(1)), "may": String(item[11].value == undefined ? item[11] : Number(item[11].value).toFixed(1)), "june": String(item[12].value == undefined ? item[12] : Number(item[12].value).toFixed(1)), "july": String(item[13].value == undefined ? item[13] : Number(item[13].value).toFixed(1)), "august": String(item[14].value == undefined ? item[14] : Number(item[14].value).toFixed(1)), "september": String(item[15].value == undefined ? item[15] : Number(item[15].value).toFixed(1)), "october": String(item[16].value == undefined ? item[16] : Number(item[16].value).toFixed(1)), "november": String(item[17].value == undefined ? item[17] : Number(item[17].value).toFixed(1)), "december": String(item[18].value == undefined ? item[18] : Number(item[18].value).toFixed(1)), "total_current_year": String(item[19] != '' ? Number(item[19]).toFixed(1) : item[19]), "total_next_year": String(item[20] != '' ? Number(item[20]).toFixed(1) : item[20]), "total_more_year": String(item[21] != '' ? Number(item[21]).toFixed(1) : item[21]), "kpi_type": "", "max_ach": "", "pic": "", "strategic": "", "total_actual_before": "", "uom": "", "weight": "" } ) }) // console.log(listCF) this.setState({ dbCF: listCF }, () => { // if (this.state.submissionID != null) { // this.createCashFlow() // } // if (type != undefined) { // if (type == 'BS' || type == 'FAM' || type == 'PL') { // console.log('tarik sis') // this.createCashFlow() // } // } }) } createCashFlow(payload) { api.create().createReportCF(payload).then((res) => { console.log(res) // this.getSubmission() if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ visibleCF: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true }) this.getSubmission() } else { if ( == "Please Set Up Rate Currency First") { this.setState({ visibleAlertSave: true }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }) } } } // if ( { // if ( === "success") { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // }) // } // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // // this.getSubmission() // = 'unset'; // }) // } }) } getPL(type) { let PLID = null let payloadID = { "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "company_id": } console.log(payloadID); api.create().getPLID(payloadID).then(response => { // console.log(response); if (response) { PLID = == null ? null : } else { PLID = null } this.setState({ PLID }, () => { let payload = { "report_id": 28, "revision": Number(this.state.lastRevision), "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "company_id":, "submission_id": this.state.PLID, "currency_id":, "months": 0, "quarter": 0, } api.create().getHierarkiCreateReportPLMB(payload).then(response => { // console.log(response); let dataTable = [] if ( { // let dataTable = [] // console.log(response) let res = const handlePushChild = (item) => { dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.profit_detail.total_actual_before === null ? "0" : item.profit_detail.total_actual_before === "" ? "0" : item.profit_detail.total_actual_before, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.january, formula: item.profit_detail.january_formula } : item.profit_detail.january, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.february, formula: item.profit_detail.february_formula } : item.profit_detail.february, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.march, formula: item.profit_detail.march_formula } : item.profit_detail.march, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.april, formula: item.profit_detail.april_formula } : item.profit_detail.april, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.may, formula: item.profit_detail.may_formula } : item.profit_detail.may, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.june, formula: item.profit_detail.june_formula } : item.profit_detail.june, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.july, formula: item.profit_detail.july_formula } : item.profit_detail.july, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.august, formula: item.profit_detail.august_formula } : item.profit_detail.august, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.september, formula: item.profit_detail.september_formula } : item.profit_detail.september, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.october, formula: item.profit_detail.october_formula } : item.profit_detail.october, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.november, formula: item.profit_detail.november_formula } : item.profit_detail.november, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.december, formula: item.profit_detail.december_formula } : item.profit_detail.december, item.profit_detail.total_current_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.profit_detail.total_next_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.profit_detail.total_more_year, item.order, item.condition_it_should_be, item.condition_if_wrong, item.profit_detail.forecast_formula == null ? [] : item.profit_detail.forecast_formula, item.profit_detail.notes ]) if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }, index) => { dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.profit_detail.total_actual_before === null ? "0" : item.profit_detail.total_actual_before === "" ? "0" : item.profit_detail.total_actual_before, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.january, formula: item.profit_detail.january_formula } : item.profit_detail.january, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.february, formula: item.profit_detail.february_formula } : item.profit_detail.february, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.march, formula: item.profit_detail.march_formula } : item.profit_detail.march, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.april, formula: item.profit_detail.april_formula } : item.profit_detail.april, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.may, formula: item.profit_detail.may_formula } : item.profit_detail.may, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.june, formula: item.profit_detail.june_formula } : item.profit_detail.june, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.july, formula: item.profit_detail.july_formula } : item.profit_detail.july, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.august, formula: item.profit_detail.august_formula } : item.profit_detail.august, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.september, formula: item.profit_detail.september_formula } : item.profit_detail.september, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.october, formula: item.profit_detail.october_formula } : item.profit_detail.october, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.november, formula: item.profit_detail.november_formula } : item.profit_detail.november, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? { value: item.profit_detail.december, formula: item.profit_detail.december_formula } : item.profit_detail.december, item.profit_detail.total_current_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.profit_detail.total_next_year, item.type_report_id == 5 || item.type_report_id == 6 || item.type_report_id == 7 ? 0 : item.profit_detail.total_more_year, item.order, item.condition_it_should_be, item.condition_if_wrong, item.profit_detail.forecast_formula == null ? [] : item.profit_detail.forecast_formula, item.profit_detail.notes ]) if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }) // console.log(dataTable) this.setState({ dbPL: dataTable }, () => { this.olahDataPL(this.state.dbPL, type) }) } else { this.setState({ dbPL: [], previewTable: false, previewDownload: false }) } }) }) }) } handleValueFormulaDBPL = (indexDBCF, value, tableMeta, column, periode, forecast) => { let splitFormula = String(tableMeta[3]).split(/([()@])/) // let splitFormula = String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).split('@') let baru = [] let anjay = [] let dataTable2 = this.state.dbPL // if (forecast !== undefined) { // console.log(tableMeta) // }, index) => { let items = String(item).substr(Number(String(item).length) - 1, 1) let subForm = String(item).substr(0, Number(String(item).length) - 1) let re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/; let asd = '' if (item !== "") { if (!re.test(items)) { baru.push(subForm) baru.push(items) } else { baru.push(String(item)) } } }), index) => { if (item == '-' || item == '+' || item == '/' || item == '*' || item == '(' || item == ')') { anjay.push(item) } else { if (String(item).includes('#')) { if (forecast !== undefined) { let forecastt = 0, index) => { if (items.periode == periode) { forecastt += Number(items.value) } }) anjay.push(forecastt) } else { if (String(item).includes('[M-1]')) { let tst = String(item).replace('[M-1]', '') let data = column == 7 ? 18 : column - 1 let period = data == 18 ? Number(this.state.periode.periode) - 1 : this.state.periode.periode let indexID = tableMeta[data].formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${tst}`) && val.periode == period) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = tableMeta[data].formula[indexID].value anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } else { // console.log(item) let indexID = value.formula.findIndex((val) => val.item_formula == String(`@${item}`) && val.periode == Number(this.state.periode.periode)) if (indexID !== -1) { let valuezz = value.formula[indexID].value anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } } } } else { let indexID = dataTable2.findIndex((val) => val[22] == item) if (indexID !== -1) { // if (forecast !== undefined) { // console.log(dataTable2[indexID]) // console.log(column) // console.log(dataTable2[indexID][column]) // } if (forecast != undefined) { // console.log(dataTable2[indexID][column]) } let valuezz = dataTable2[indexID][column].value == undefined ? dataTable2[indexID][column] : dataTable2[indexID][column].value anjay.push(valuezz == "" ? 0 : valuezz) } else { if (item === '(-1)') { anjay.push(-1) } } } } }) let anjay2 = [] let kurung = false let item1 = [], index) => { if (item == "(") { kurung = true } else if (item == ")") { kurung = false anjay2.push(item1) item1 = [] } else { if (kurung) { item1.push(item) } else { anjay2.push(item) } } }) let total = 0 let opt = "" let totalPrio = 0 let optPrio = "" let prio = false, index) => { if (Array.isArray(item)) { prio = true, indexs) => { if (items == "+") { optPrio = "tambah" } else if (items == "-") { optPrio = "kurang" } else if (items == "*") { optPrio = "kali" } else if (items == "/") { optPrio = "bagi" } else { if (optPrio == "tambah") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) + Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "kurang") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) - Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "kali") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) * Number(items) } else if (optPrio == "bagi") { totalPrio = Number(totalPrio) / Number(items) == NaN ? 0 : Number(totalPrio) / Number(items) } else { totalPrio += Number(items) } } }) if (index == anjay2.length - 1) { if (opt == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(totalPrio) } else if (opt == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(totalPrio) } else { total += Number(totalPrio) } } } else { // console.log(item.length) if (item == "+") { opt = "tambah" if (prio) { total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total)) prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "-") { opt = "kurang" if (prio) { total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total)) prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "*") { opt = "kali" if (prio) { total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total)) prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else if (item == "/") { opt = "bagi" if (prio) { total = Number(Number(totalPrio) + Number(total)) prio = false totalPrio = 0 optPrio = "" } } else { if (opt == "tambah") { total = Number(total) + Number(item) } else if (opt == "kurang") { total = Number(total) - Number(item) } else if (opt == "kali") { total = Number(total) * Number(item) } else if (opt == "bagi") { total = Number(total) / Number(item) == NaN ? 0 : Number(total) / Number(item) } else { total += Number(item) } } } }) // if (String(tableMeta[5]) == "Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)" && column == 20) { // console.log(splitFormula) // console.log(baru) // console.log(anjay) // console.log(anjay2) // console.log(total) // } total = R.equals(total, NaN) ? "0.0" : total return total } handleForecastDBPL = (index, tableMeta, periode, column) => { let total = 0 let dataTable2 = this.state.dbPL if (tableMeta[3].includes('#PL')) { dataTable2[index][25].map((item, index) => { if (item.periode == periode) { total += Number(item.value) } }) } else { total = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(dataTable2[index][column], tableMeta[column], tableMeta, column, periode, dataTable2[index][25]) } return total } olahDataPL(dbPL, type) {, index) => { if (item[0] == 5 || item[0] == 6 || item[0] == 7) { item[7].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[7], item, 7) item[8].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[8], item, 8) item[9].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[9], item, 9) item[10].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[10], item, 10) item[11].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[11], item, 11) item[12].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[12], item, 12) item[13].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[13], item, 13) item[14].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[14], item, 14) item[15].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[15], item, 15) item[16].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[16], item, 16) item[17].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[17], item, 17) item[18].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[18], item, 18) item[20] = this.handleForecastDBPL(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1}`, 20) item[21] = this.handleForecastDBPL(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 2}`, 21) } }) this.setState({ dbPL }, () => { this.payloadPL(type) }) } payloadPL(type) { let listPL = [] // console.log(this.state.dbPL), index) => { if (item[0] == 5 || item[0] == 6 || item[0] == 7) { // if (item[7].value == "" || item[7].value == 0 || item[7].value == "0.0") { item[7].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[7], item, 7) // } // if (item[8].value == "" || item[8].value == 0 || item[8].value == "0.0") { item[8].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[8], item, 8) // } // if (item[9].value == "" || item[9].value == 0 || item[9].value == "0.0") { item[9].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[9], item, 9) // } // if (item[10].value == "" || item[10].value == 0 || item[10].value == "0.0") { item[10].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[10], item, 10) // } // if (item[11].value == "" || item[11].value == 0 || item[11].value == "0.0") { item[11].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[11], item, 11) // } // if (item[12].value == "" || item[12].value == 0 || item[12].value == "0.0") { item[12].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[12], item, 12) // } // if (item[13].value == "" || item[13].value == 0 || item[13].value == "0.0") { item[13].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[13], item, 13) // } // if (item[14].value == "" || item[14].value == 0 || item[14].value == "0.0") { item[14].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[14], item, 14) // } // if (item[15].value == "" || item[15].value == 0 || item[15].value == "0.0") { item[15].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[15], item, 15) // } // if (item[16].value == "" || item[16].value == 0 || item[16].value == "0.0") { item[16].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[16], item, 16) // } // if (item[17].value == "" || item[17].value == 0 || item[17].value == "0.0") { item[17].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[17], item, 17) // } // if (item[18].value == "" || item[18].value == 0 || item[18].value == "0.0") { item[18].value = this.handleValueFormulaDBPL(index, item[18], item, 18) // } // if (item[20] == "" || item[20] == 0 || item[20] == "0.0") { item[20] = this.handleForecastDBPL(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 1}`, 20) // } // if (item[21] == "" || item[21] == 0 || item[21] == "0.0") { item[21] = this.handleForecastDBPL(index, item, `${Number(this.state.periode.periode) + 2}`, 21) // } } listPL.push( { "item_report_id": item[1], "january": String(item[7].value == undefined ? item[7] : Number(item[7].value).toFixed(1)), "february": String(item[8].value == undefined ? item[8] : Number(item[8].value).toFixed(1)), "march": String(item[9].value == undefined ? item[9] : Number(item[9].value).toFixed(1)), "april": String(item[10].value == undefined ? item[10] : Number(item[10].value).toFixed(1)), "may": String(item[11].value == undefined ? item[11] : Number(item[11].value).toFixed(1)), "june": String(item[12].value == undefined ? item[12] : Number(item[12].value).toFixed(1)), "july": String(item[13].value == undefined ? item[13] : Number(item[13].value).toFixed(1)), "august": String(item[14].value == undefined ? item[14] : Number(item[14].value).toFixed(1)), "september": String(item[15].value == undefined ? item[15] : Number(item[15].value).toFixed(1)), "october": String(item[16].value == undefined ? item[16] : Number(item[16].value).toFixed(1)), "november": String(item[17].value == undefined ? item[17] : Number(item[17].value).toFixed(1)), "december": String(item[18].value == undefined ? item[18] : Number(item[18].value).toFixed(1)), "total_current_year": String(item[19]), "total_next_year": String(item[20] != '' ? Number(item[20]).toFixed(1) : item[20]), "total_more_year": String(item[21] != '' ? Number(item[21]).toFixed(1) : item[21]), "notes": String(item[26]), } ) }) // console.log(listPL) this.setState({ dbPL: listPL }, () => { // if (this.state.submissionID != null) { // this.createDBPL() // } if (type != undefined) { if (type == 'PL') { // console.log('tarik sis') this.createDBPL() } } }) } createDBPL() { let payload = { // "submission_id": this.state.submissionID, "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "report_id": 28, "status": "submitted", "profit_loss_id": this.state.PLID, "currency_id":, "profit_loss_mb": this.state.dbPL, "months": 0, } // console.log(this.state.dbCF) // console.log(JSON.stringify(payload)) api.create().createReportPLMB(payload).then((res) => { // console.log(res) this.setState({ loading: false }) // if ( { // if ( === "success") { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // }) // } // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // // this.getSubmission() // = 'unset'; // }) // } }) } getFR(type) { // console.log("get FR"); let FRID = null let payloadID = { "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "company_id": } // console.log(payloadID); api.create().getFRID(payloadID).then(response => { // console.log(response); if (response) { FRID = == null ? null : } else { FRID = null } this.setState({ FRID }, () => { let payload = { "report_id": 29, "revision": Number(this.state.lastRevision), "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "company_id":, "currency_id":, "submission_id": this.state.submissionID, } api.create().getHierarkiCreateReportFRMB(payload).then(response => { // console.log(response); let dataTable = [] if ( { // let dataTable = [] // console.log(response) let res = const handlePushChild = (item) => { if (item.description == 'Return on Invested Capital - YTD (ROIC)') { // console.log(item.ratio.january) } dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.uom, // "", // item.ratio.total_actual_before === null ? "0.0" : item.ratio.total_actual_before === "" ? "0.0" : item.ratio.total_actual_before, Number(item.ratio.january).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.february).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.march).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.april).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.may).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.june).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.july).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.august).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.september).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.october).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.november).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.december).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.total_next_year).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.total_more_year).toFixed(2), ]) if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }, index) => { dataTable.push([ item.type_report_id,, item.parent, item.formula, item.level, item.description, item.uom, // "", // item.ratio.total_actual_before === null ? "0.0" : item.ratio.total_actual_before === "" ? "0.0" : item.ratio.total_actual_before, Number(item.ratio.january).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.february).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.march).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.april).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.may).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.june).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.july).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.august).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.september).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.october).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.november).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.december).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.total_next_year).toFixed(2), Number(item.ratio.total_more_year).toFixed(2), ]) if (item.children !== null) { if (item.children.length > 0) {, indexs) => { handlePushChild(items) }) } } }) this.setState({ dbFR: dataTable, loading: false }, () => { // console.log(this.state.dbFR) this.olahDataFR(this.state.dbFR, type) }) } else { this.setState({ dbFR: [], previewTable: false, loading: false, previewDownload: false }) } }) }) }) } handleFormulaRatio = (value, tableMeta, month) => { // console.log(dataTable2) let dataTable2 = this.state.dbFR let total = 0 if (month > 12) { total = Number(dataTable2[35][6 + month]) } else { for (let index = 0; index < month; index++) { total += Number(dataTable2[35][7 + index]) // console.log(index); } total = total / month } let hasil = Number(value) / total // console.log(value) // console.log(total) // console.log(hasil, value, total); return Number(hasil).toFixed(2) } olahDataFR(dbFR, type) { // let totalCY = 0, index) => { if (item[0] != 4 || item[0] != 1) { if (item[5] === "Return on Invested Capital - YTD (ROIC)") { item[7] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[7], item, 1) item[8] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[8], item, 2) item[9] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[9], item, 3) item[10] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[10], item, 4) item[11] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[11], item, 5) item[12] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[12], item, 6) item[13] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[13], item, 7) item[14] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[14], item, 8) item[15] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[15], item, 9) item[16] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[16], item, 10) item[17] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[17], item, 11) item[18] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[18], item, 12) item[19] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[19], item, 13) item[20] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[20], item, 14) // totalCY = Number(item[7]) + Number(item[8]) + Number(item[9]) + Number(item[10]) + Number(item[11]) + Number(item[12]) + Number(item[13]) + Number(item[14]) + Number(item[15]) + Number(item[16]) + Number(item[17]) + Number(item[18]) } } }) this.setState({ dbFR }, () => { this.payloadFR(type) }) } payloadFR(type) { let listFR = [] // console.log(this.state.dbFR) let totalCY = 0, index) => { if (item[0] != 4 || item[0] != 1) { if (item[5] === "Return on Invested Capital - YTD (ROIC)") { // item[7] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[7],item,1) // item[8] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[8],item,2) // item[9] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[9],item,3) // item[10] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[10],item,4) // item[11] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[11],item,5) // item[12] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[12],item,6) // item[13] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[13],item,7) // item[14] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[14],item,8) // item[15] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[15],item,9) // item[16] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[16],item,10) // item[17] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[17],item,11) // item[18] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[18],item,12) // item[19] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[19],item,13) // item[20] = this.handleFormulaRatio(item[20],item,14) } totalCY = Number(item[7]) + Number(item[8]) + Number(item[9]) + Number(item[10]) + Number(item[11]) + Number(item[12]) + Number(item[13]) + Number(item[14]) + Number(item[15]) + Number(item[16]) + Number(item[17]) + Number(item[18]) } listFR.push( { "item_report_id": item[1], "january": String(item[7] == undefined || item[7] == 'Infinity' || item[7] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[7]).toFixed(2)), "february": String(item[8] == undefined || item[8] == 'Infinity' || item[8] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[8]).toFixed(2)), "march": String(item[9] == undefined || item[9] == 'Infinity' || item[9] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[9]).toFixed(2)), "april": String(item[10] == undefined || item[10] == 'Infinity' || item[10] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[10]).toFixed(2)), "may": String(item[11] == undefined || item[11] == 'Infinity' || item[11] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[11]).toFixed(2)), "june": String(item[12] == undefined || item[12] == 'Infinity' || item[12] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[12]).toFixed(2)), "july": String(item[13] == undefined || item[13] == 'Infinity' || item[13] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[13]).toFixed(2)), "august": String(item[14] == undefined || item[14] == 'Infinity' || item[14] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[14]).toFixed(2)), "september": String(item[15] == undefined || item[15] == 'Infinity' || item[15] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[15]).toFixed(2)), "october": String(item[16] == undefined || item[16] == 'Infinity' || item[16] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[16]).toFixed(2)), "november": String(item[17] == undefined || item[17] == 'Infinity' || item[17] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[17]).toFixed(2)), "december": String(item[18] == undefined || item[18] == 'Infinity' || item[18] == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(item[18]).toFixed(2)), "total_current_year": String(totalCY == undefined || totalCY == 'Infinity' || totalCY == '-Infinity' ? "0.0" : Number(totalCY).toFixed(2)), "total_next_year": String(item[19] != '' || item[19] != 'Infinity' || item[19] != '-Infinity' ? Number(item[19]).toFixed(2) : item[19]), "total_more_year": String(item[20] != '' || item[20] != 'Infinity' || item[20] != '-Infinity' ? Number(item[20]).toFixed(2) : item[20]), } ) }) // console.log(listFR) // console.log('subOD', this.state.submissionID) this.setState({ dbFR: listFR }, () => { if (this.state.submissionID != null) { this.createDBFR() } }) } createDBFR() { // console.log("create FR"); let payload = { // "submission_id": this.state.submissionID, "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "report_id": 29, "status": "submitted", "ratio_id": this.state.FRID, "currency_id":, "ratio_mb": this.state.dbFR, "months": 0, } // console.log(this.state.dbCF) // console.log(JSON.stringify(payload)) api.create().createReportFRMB(payload).then((res) => { // console.log(res) // if ( { // if ( === "success") { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport() // }) // } // } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // // this.getSubmission() // = 'unset'; // }) // } }) } historyApproval() { let body = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode } api.create().historyApproval(body).then(response => { // // // console.log(response); if ( > 0) { let dataTableHistory = => { let indexC = String(item.status_approval).toLocaleUpperCase().indexOf('C') let status_approv = '' if (String(item.status_approval).toLocaleUpperCase().includes('CC')) { status_approv = `${String(item.status_approval).substr(0, indexC)}${String(item.status_approval).substr(indexC + 1, String(item.status_approval).length)}` } else { status_approv = String(item.status_approval) } return [ item.pic, status_approv, item.remarks, item.item_revision, item.history_approval_date ] }) this.setState({ dataTableHistory, visibleTableHistory: true }) } }) } async setHeaderTokenSuperadmin(type) { let realToken = await localStorage.getItem(Constant.TOKEN) api.create().getIdToken(this.state.approver.userId).then((response) => { // console.log( localStorage.setItem(Constant.TOKEN, this.approvalSubmission(type, realToken) }) } approvalSubmission(type, realToken) { // this.scrollToMyRef() // let realToken = await localStorage.getItem(Constant.TOKEN) // if (this.state.isAdmin && type == 'approve') { // api.create().getIdToken(this.state.approver.userId).then((response) => { // console.log( // console.log(realToken) // localStorage.setItem(Constant.TOKEN, // }) // } this.setState({ loading: true }, () => { = 'hidden'; }) let body = { "approval_id": this.state.approverID, "status": type, "detail": this.state.detailRevisiCheck, "is_superadmin": this.state.isAdmin, "currency_id":, } let payload = { "company_id":, "periode": this.state.periode.periode, "min_periode": moment(this.state.minDateRevision).format('YYYY-MM-DD'), "max_periode": moment(this.state.maxDateRevision).format('YYYY-MM-DD') } // console.log(payload) // // console.log(this.props.location); // console.log(body) setTimeout(() => { api.create().approvalSubmission(body).then((res) => { // console.log(res) // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { // }) if (this.state.isAdmin && type == 'approve') { localStorage.setItem(Constant.TOKEN, realToken) this.setState({ visibleApproveSuperadmin: false }) } setTimeout(() => { if (type == 'revision') { api.create().createPeriodeRevision(payload).then((res)) } this.getSubmission() }, 400); }) }, 200); } clickDetail(item, id, revision, status) { let items = '' if (item === 'Corporate Annual Target') { items = 'CAT' } else { items = item } let PLBSFAMSubmitted = 0 // // // console.log(this.state.dataForRevision); => { if (i.report_name === items) { if (i.revision !== revision) { this.setState({ prevRevision: true }) } else { this.setState({ prevRevision: false }) } } if (String(i.report_name).toLocaleLowerCase() == "profit loss" || String(i.report_name).toLocaleLowerCase() == "balance sheet" || String(i.report_name).toLocaleLowerCase() == "fixed assets movement") { if (String(i.current_status).toLocaleLowerCase() == "submitted") { PLBSFAMSubmitted += 1 } } }) this.setState({ report_id: id, revisionTable: revision, status: status }, () => { if (item === 'Balance Sheet') { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: true, visiblePL: false, visibleCAT: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleTP: false, visibleCF: false, }) } else if (item === 'Profit Loss') { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: false, visiblePL: true, visibleCAT: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleTP: false, visibleCF: false, }) } else if (item === 'Tax Planning') { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: false, visiblePL: false, visibleCAT: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleTP: true, visibleCF: false, }) } else if (item === 'Fixed Assets Movement') { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: false, visiblePL: false, visibleCAT: false, visibleFAM: true, visibleTP: false, visibleCF: false, }) } else if (item === 'Corporate Annual Target') { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: false, visiblePL: false, visibleCAT: true, visibleFAM: false, visibleTP: false, visibleCF: false, }) } else if (item === "Cash Flow") { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: false, visibleBS: false, visiblePL: false, visibleCAT: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleTP: false, visibleCF: true, PLBSFAMSubmitted: PLBSFAMSubmitted == 3 ? true : false }) } }) } handleChange(value, tableMeta) { let data = this.state.dataTable data[tableMeta.rowIndex][tableMeta.columnIndex] = value } fileHandler = (event) => { let fileObj = event ExcelRenderer(fileObj, (err, resp) => { // // // console.log(resp) if (err) { // // // console.log(err); } else { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("revision", Number(this.state.lastRevision)); formData.append("companyId",; formData.append("periode", Number(this.state.periode.periode)); formData.append("file", event); this.setState({ formData }) } }) } uploadAttachment(formData) { api.create().uploadAttachment(formData).then(response => { if ( { if ( === "success") { this.setState({ visibleUpload: false }, () => { this.getSubmission() }) } } }) } deleteAttachment(item) { api.create().deleteAttachment(item.attachment_id).then(response => { // // // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === "success") { this.getSubmission() } } }) } closeAlert() { this.setState({ alert: false }) } saveToMasterBudget(data, type) { this.setState({ loading: true }, () => { = 'hidden'; }) console.log(type); // // console.log(JSON.stringify(data)); api.create('UPLOAD').createSubmitReport(data).then(response => { console.log(response); if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { if (type === "PL" || type === "DraftPL") { this.setState({ visiblePL: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else if (type === "TP" || type === "DraftTP") { this.setState({ visibleTP: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else if (type === "BS" || type === "DraftBS") { this.setState({ visibleBS: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else if (type === "FAM" || type === "DraftFAM") { this.setState({ visibleFAM: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else if (type === "CAT" || type === "DraftCAT") { this.setState({ visibleCF: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true, loading: false }) } else { this.setState({ visibleBudgetTahunan: true, visiblePL: false, visibleTP: false, visibleBS: false, visibleFAM: false, visibleCAT: false, loading: false }) } this.getSubmission(type) } else { console.log(; if ( == "Please Set Up Rate Currency First") { this.setState({ visibleAlertSave: true }) } else { // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { this.getSubmission() = 'unset'; } // }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }, () => { this.getSubmission() = 'unset'; }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: 'Error saving data. Please try again', tipeAlert: 'error', loading: false }, () => { this.getSubmission() = 'unset'; }) } }) } async downloadAttachment(fileurl, name) { let length = name.split(".").length let fileType = name.split(".")[length - 1] // // // console.log(fileType); let url = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/download_attachment?fileName=${fileurl}&&fileType=${fileType}` // // // console.log(url); let res = await fetch( `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/download_attachment?fileName=${fileurl}&&fileType=${fileType}` ) res = await res.blob() this.setState({ loading: false }, () => { = 'unset'; }) if (res.size > 0) { let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(res); let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; = 'Master Budget Attachment.xlsx';; } } validate() { this.setState({ loading: true }, () => { = 'hidden'; }) let array = [] let canSubmit = true => { // if (item[1] !== 'Cash Flow') { if (item[3] !== "submitted" && item[3] !== 'approved') { canSubmit = false array.push(item[3]) } // } // if (item[3].includes("not-yet") || item[3].includes("draft")) { // array.push(item[3]) // } else { // array.push(item[3]) // } }) if (canSubmit === true) { let body = { submission_id: this.state.submissionID } api.create().submitMasterBudget(body).then(response => { // // // console.log(response); if ( { if ( === "success") { this.getSubmission() } } }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: 'Data Is Not Complete', tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }, () => { = 'unset'; }) } // if (array.includes("not-yet" || "draft")) { // // // console.log('gagal'); // } else { // // // console.log('masuk'); // } } validateRevision() { // this.scrollToMyRef() let arrayRevisi = this.state.detailRevisiCheck let remarksKosong = 0, index) => { if (item.remarks == "") { remarksKosong += 1 } }) // // console.log(arrayRevisi) if (arrayRevisi.length == 0 || remarksKosong > 0) { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: 'Remarks Cannot be Empty', tipeAlert: 'error' }) } else { this.setState({ visibleRevision: false }, () => this.approvalSubmission('revision')) } } handleApproveAdmin() { this.setState({ visibleApproveSuperadmin: true }) } handleSelectAll(data) { // console.log(this.state.isCheckAll); if (this.state.isCheckAll) { let checkAll = [] this.setState({ selectReport: checkAll, isCheckAll: false }) } else { let checkAll = this.state.selectReport let isAllDetail = true, index) => { if (item[5] === true) { if (!this.state.selectReport.includes(item[4])) { checkAll.push(item[4]) } } else { isAllDetail = false checkAll.splice(index, 1) } }) // console.log(checkAll); this.setState({ selectReport: checkAll, isCheckAll: isAllDetail }) } } handleItemChecked(item) { let indexID = this.state.selectReport.findIndex((val) => val === item.rowData[4]) return indexID === -1 ? false : true } handleItemClick(item) { let indexID = this.state.selectReport.findIndex((val) => val === item.rowData[4]) let selectReport = this.state.selectReport if (indexID === -1) { selectReport.push(item.rowData[4]) } else { selectReport.splice(indexID, 1) } let isCheckAll = selectReport.length === this.state.dataTable.length this.setState({ selectReport, isCheckAll }) // console.log(selectReport); } handleDownloadReport(tableMeta) { let { selectReport, company, periode, month } = this.state let payload = { "company_id": company.company_id, "year": periode.periode, "report_id": selectReport, "month": "", "quartal": "", "type_report_name": "Master Budget" } // console.log(payload); api.create().createDownloadFile(payload).then((response) => { // console.log(response) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { let data = this.setState({ downloadedFileReportId: data.downloadedFileReportId, popupDownload: true }, () => this.handleGenerateReport(tableMeta)) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } } else { // this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error'}) alert(response.problem) } }) } // componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState) => { // console.log(this.state.arrayReport); // if (this.state.selectReport.length > 0 && (this.state.arrayReport.length == this.state.selectReport.length)) { // setTimeout(() => { // this.handleZip() // }, 200); // } // } async handleGenerateReport(data) { let { selectReport, submissionID, company, periode, month, downloadedFileReportId, defaultCurrency } = this.state if (selectReport.length > 0) { let result = [] // console.log('mulai hit') for (const items of selectReport) { let datas = data.findIndex((val) => val[4] == items) let report = data[datas] if (items === 6) { let resReal = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/cash_flow/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=${submissionID}&company_id=${company.company_id}&year=${periode.periode}&revision=${report[2]}&report_id=${report[4]}&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}¤cy_id=${}` let resNull = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/cash_flow/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=&&company_id=${company.company_id}&year=${periode.periode}&revision=${report[2]}&report_id=${report[4]}&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}¤cy_id=${}` let res = await fetch( submissionID == null ? resNull : resReal ) if (res.size > 0) { let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(res); let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; } if (res.status === 200) { result = [...result, res]; } } else { let resReal = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=${submissionID}&report_id=${report[4]}&company_id=${company.company_id}&year=${periode.periode}&revision=${report[2]}&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}¤cy_id=${}` let resNull = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=&report_id=${report[4]}&company_id=${company.company_id}&year=${periode.periode}&revision=${report[2]}&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}¤cy_id=${}` let res = await fetch( submissionID == null ? resNull : resReal ) if (res.size > 0) { let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(res); let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; } if (res.status === 200) { result = [...result, res]; } } } // console.log('ini result', result); // every untuk cek ke setiap result di dalam array if (result.every((e) => e.status == 200)) { this.handleZip(); } // Promise untuk ngumpulin semua result yg statusnya 200 // const result = await Promise.all( (items) => { // let datas = data.findIndex((val) => val[4] == items) // let report = data[datas] // if (items === 6) { // let resReal = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/cash_flow/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=${submissionID}&&company_id=${company.company_id}&&year=${periode.periode}&&revision=${report[2]}&&report_id=${report[4]}&&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}` // let resNull = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/cash_flow/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=&&company_id=${company.company_id}&&year=${periode.periode}&&revision=${report[2]}&&report_id=${report[4]}&&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}` // // console.log('cash_flow start', // let res = await fetch( // this.props.submissionID == null ? resNull : resReal // ) // // console.log('cash_flow end', // // console.log(res); // if (res.status === 200) { // // this.setState({ arrayReport: [...this.state.arrayReport, items] }) // return res; // } // } else { // let resReal = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=${submissionID}&&report_id=${report[4]}&&company_id=${company.company_id}&&year=${periode.periode}&&revision=${report[2]}&&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}` // let resNull = `${process.env.REACT_APP_URL_MAIN_BE}/public/transaction/master_budget/export_master_budget?submission_id=&&report_id=${report[4]}&&company_id=${company.company_id}&&year=${periode.periode}&&revision=${report[2]}&&download_file_report_id=${downloadedFileReportId}` // // console.log('master_budget start', // let res = await fetch( // this.props.submissionID == null ? resNull : resReal // ) // // console.log('master_budget end', // // console.log(res); // if (res.status === 200) { // // this.setState({ arrayReport: [...this.state.arrayReport, items] }) // return res; // } // } } else { alert("Anda harus memilih report yang ingin di download terlebih dahulu!") } } async handleZip() { // console.log('mulai zip') api.create().createZipReport(this.state.downloadedFileReportId).then((response) => { console.log(response) if ( { if (response.ok) { if ( === 'success') { this.setState({ arrayReport: [] }) } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning' }, () => { if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) { setTimeout(() => { localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN) window.location.reload(); }, 1000); } }) } } else { this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'error' }) } } else { // this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert: response.problem, tipeAlert: 'error'}) alert(response.problem) } }) } render() { const handleMaxDate = () => { let handleDate = Number(moment(this.state.maxDateRevision).format('YYYYMMDD')) - Number(moment(this.state.minDateRevision).format('YYYYMMDD')) return handleDate < 0 ? moment(this.state.minDateRevision).format('YYYY/MM/DD') : moment(this.state.maxDateRevision).format('YYYY/MM/DD') } const columns = ["#", "Report Type", { name: "Revision", options: { customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta, updateValue) => { var list = []; for (var i = 0; i <= tableMeta.rowData[6]; i++) { list.push(i); } return (
{ // // // console.log( updateValue( this.handleChange(, tableMeta) }} autoWidth > {, index) => {item} )} } />
); } } }, { name: "Status", options: { customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta) => { return (
{val === "submitted" || val === "approved" ? COMPLETED : val === "draft" ? DRAFT : val === "incomplete" ? INCOMPLETE : val === "revision" ? REVISION : val === "approval_process" ? APPROVAL PROCCESS : val === "approval_review" ? APPROVAL REVIEW : val === "not-yet" ? OPEN : val === "CLOSED" ? CLOSED : }
); } } }, { name: "Action", options: { customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta) => { return (
); } } }, { name: "Download", options: { customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta) => { // console.log(tableMeta); return (
tableMeta.rowData[5] == true ? this.handleItemClick(tableMeta) : null} disabled={tableMeta.rowData[5] == true ? false : true} />
); } } }, { name: "", options: { display: false } }, { name: "", options: { display: false } }] const columnsHistory = [ "Name", "Status", "Remarks", "Revision Item", "Date" ] const columnRevisi = [ { name: "#", options: { customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta, updateValue) => { var list = []; for (var i = 0; i <= tableMeta.rowData[6]; i++) { list.push(i); } return (
val.report_id == tableMeta.rowData[0]) == -1 ? false : true} onClick={() => handleCheckRevision(tableMeta.rowData)} /> } />
); } } }, "Report Type", { name: 'Remarks', options: { customBodyRender: (value, tableMeta, updateValue) => { return (
{ // // // console.log( // updateValue( handleChangeText(, tableMeta) // // // console.log(dataTable2) }} />} />
) } } }, { name: "", options: { display: false } } ] const handleChangeText = (value, tableMeta) => { let dataTableRevision = this.state.dataTableRevision dataTableRevision[tableMeta.rowIndex][tableMeta.columnIndex] = value let detailRevisiCheck = this.state.detailRevisiCheck let indexId = detailRevisiCheck.findIndex((val) => val.report_id == tableMeta.rowData[0]) if (indexId !== -1) { detailRevisiCheck[indexId].remarks = value } this.setState({ dataTableRevision, detailRevisiCheck }) } const handleCheckRevision = (value) => { let detailRevisiCheck = this.state.detailRevisiCheck let payload = { report_id: value[0], remarks: value[2], number: value[3] } let indexDataRevisi = this.state.dataTableRevision.findIndex((val) => val[3] == value[3]) let indexId = detailRevisiCheck.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number).findIndex((val) => val.number == value[3]) // // console.log(indexId) if (indexId == -1) {, index) => { if (index > indexDataRevisi) { let indexIds = detailRevisiCheck.findIndex((val) => val.number == item[3]) if (indexIds == -1) { let payload2 = { report_id: item[0], remarks: item[2], number: item[3] } detailRevisiCheck.push(payload2) } } }) detailRevisiCheck.push(payload) } else { let x = 0 detailRevisiCheck.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number).map((item, index) => { if (item.number < value[3]) { x += 1 } }) if (x < 1) {, index) => { if (index > indexDataRevisi) { let indexIdz = detailRevisiCheck.findIndex((val) => val.number == item[3]) if (indexIdz !== -1) { detailRevisiCheck.splice(indexIdz, 1) } } }) detailRevisiCheck.splice(indexId, 1) } } this.setState({ detailRevisiCheck: detailRevisiCheck.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number) }) // // console.log(detailRevisiCheck) } const options = { filter: false, sort: false, responsive: "scroll", print: false, download: false, selectableRows: false, viewColumns: false, pagination: false, search: false } const optionsHistory = { filter: false, sort: false, responsive: "scroll", print: false, download: false, selectableRows: false, viewColumns: false, pagination: true, search: false, rowsPerPage: 5 } const optionsRevision = { filter: false, sort: false, responsive: "scroll", print: false, download: false, selectableRows: false, viewColumns: false, pagination: false, search: false } const loadingComponent = (
); return (
this.closeAlert()}> this.closeAlert()} severity={this.state.tipeAlert}> {this.state.messageAlert} {this.state.loading && loadingComponent} {this.state.visibleBudgetTahunan && (
Master Budget & CAT Submission
Master Budget
this.setState({ periode: newInputValue }, () => { if (this.state.isApprover === true) { this.getCompanySubmitted() } else { this.setState({ visibleTableHistory: false }) this.getRevision() } })} disabled={this.state.intent === 'Home' ? true : false} disableClearable style={{ width: 250 }} renderInput={(params) => } value={this.state.periode} />
option.value} value={this.state.defaultCurrency} // onChange={(event, newInputValue) => this.setState({ defaultCurrency: newInputValue })} onChange={(event, newInputValue) => this.setState({ defaultCurrency: newInputValue }, () => { this.getRevision() })} renderInput={(params) => } /> {/* option.value} onChange={(event, newInputValue) => this.setState({ currency: newInputValue })} renderInput={(params) => ( )} value={this.state.currency == null ? "IDR" : this.state.currency} /> */}
this.setState({ company: newInputValue }, () => { this.setState({ visibleTableHistory: false }) // this.getLastPeriod() this.getCurrency(newInputValue.company_id) this.getRevision() })} disableClearable style={{ width: 250 }} renderInput={(params) => } value={} />
{/* this.setState({ revision: newInputValue }, () => { this.getReport() this.getReportAttachment() })} disabled={true} disableClearable style={{ width: 250 }} renderInput={(params) => } value={this.state.revision} /> */}
{!this.state.isApprover && (this.state.lastStatus === 'SUBMIT' || this.state.lastStatus === 'REVISION') && (
{this.state.listAttachment.length > 0 ?, index) => { return (
{index + 1}.
) }) : null }
{!this.state.isApprover && (this.state.lastStatus === 'SUBMIT' || this.state.lastStatus === 'REVISION') && (
{ this.state.listAttachment.length > 0 ? => { return ( ) }) : null }
{this.state.checkApprover === true ? this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR REVIEW' ?
: this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR YOUR APPROVAL' ?
: this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR APPROVAL' ?
{`${this.state.lastStatus} - ${this.state.pic}`}
: this.state.lastStatus === 'APPROVED' ?
: null : this.state.lastStatus === 'SUBMITTED' ?
: this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR APPROVAL' ?
{`${this.state.lastStatus} - ${this.state.pic}`}
: this.state.lastStatus === 'REVISION' ?
: this.state.lastStatus === 'APPROVED' ?
: null } {this.state.visibleTableHistory && (
{this.state.isAdmin && this.state.lastStatus == 'APPROVED' ?
{/* */}
: this.state.isAdmin && (this.state.lastStatus == 'WAITING FOR YOUR APPROVAL' || this.state.lastStatus == 'WAITING FOR APPROVAL') ?
: this.state.checkApprover === true ? this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR REVIEW' ?
: (this.state.lastStatus === 'WAITING FOR YOUR APPROVAL' && this.state.btnApprove) ?
: null : (this.state.lastStatus === 'SUBMIT' || this.state.lastStatus === 'REVISION') && this.state.isSubmit === true ?
: this.state.lastStatus === 'SUBMITTED' && this.state.submitter ?
: null }
) } { this.state.visibleUpload && (
Upload File
{ this.fileHandler(dt) this.setState({ uploadStatus: 'idle', percentage: '0' }) }} onUpload={() => this.uploadAttachment(this.state.formData)} />
) } { this.state.visibleBS && ( this.setState({ visibleBS: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} status={this.state.status} /> ) } { this.state.visiblePL && ( this.setState({ visiblePL: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} status={this.state.status} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} /> ) } { this.state.visibleTP && ( this.setState({ visibleTP: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} status={this.state.status} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} /> ) } { this.state.visibleFAM && ( this.setState({ visibleFAM: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} status={this.state.status} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} /> ) } { this.state.visibleCAT && ( this.setState({ visibleCAT: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} status={this.state.status} // status={'not-yet'} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} // lastStatus={'SUBMIT'} // prevRevision={false} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} /> ) } { this.state.visibleCF && ( this.setState({ visibleCF: false, visibleBudgetTahunan: true })} getReport={this.getSubmission.bind(this)} isApprover={this.state.isApprover} truelyApprover={this.state.truelyApprover} status={this.state.status} lastStatus={this.state.lastStatus} prevRevision={this.state.isSubmit ? this.state.prevRevision : true} // PLBSFAMSubmitted={false} PLBSFAMSubmitted={this.state.lastStatus == 'APPROVED' ? true : false} createCashFlow={this.createCashFlow.bind(this)} /> ) } { this.state.visibleRevision && (
You ask your subsidiary to make a revision
Timing duration you give for revision:
this.setState({ minDateRevision: moment(e).format('YYYY/MM/DD') }, () => this.setState({ maxDateRevision: handleMaxDate() }))} value={moment(this.state.minDateRevision).format('YYYY/MM/DD')} KeyboardButtonProps={{ 'aria-label': 'change date', }} inputProps={{ style: { fontSize: 11 } }} InputLabelProps={{ style: { fontSize: 11, color: '#7e8085' } }} style={{ padding: 0, margin: 0, width: '100%' }} />
this.setState({ maxDateRevision: moment(e).format('YYYY/MM/DD') })} minDate={moment(this.state.minDateRevision).format('YYYY/MM/DD')} value={moment(this.state.maxDateRevision).format('YYYY/MM/DD')} KeyboardButtonProps={{ 'aria-label': 'change date', }} inputProps={{ style: { fontSize: 11 } }} InputLabelProps={{ style: { fontSize: 11, color: '#7e8085' } }} style={{ padding: 0, margin: 0, width: '100%' }} />
) } {this.state.visibleApproveSuperadmin && (
Superadmin Approve
Choose approver you want
this.setState({ approver: newInputValue })} disabled={false} disableClearable style={{ width: 250 }} renderInput={(params) => } value={this.state.approver} />
)} {this.state.popupDownload && (
Download Master Budget {} {this.state.periode.periode} In Progress, silahkan cek status dan unduh report di menu Download Report
)} {this.state.visibleAlertSave && (
Rate Currency USD pada periode yang dipilih belum diatur.
Silahkan menghubungi Superadmin
); } }