Commit d6f002b6 authored by Rifka Kurnia's avatar Rifka Kurnia

Merge branch 'rifka' into 'master'


See merge request !1348
parents a296332d 905cfbf3
......@@ -562,13 +562,16 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
let data =, index) => {
let statusConvert = item.status == 'approval_review' ? 'Waiting For Review' : item.status == 'approval_proccess' ? 'Waiting For Approval' : titleCase(item.status)
if (this.state.isApproverMB && this.state.isApproverMR) {
if (this.state.isApproverMB && this.state.isApproverMR && this.state.isApproverRO && this.state.isApproverOL) {
if (String(item.type_report).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master")) {
listDashboard.push([index + 1, item.approval_id, item.company_name, `${item.type_report} - ${item.periode}`, item.revision, item.status, statusConvert])
} else if (String(item.type_report).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("monthly")) {
listDashboard.push([index + 1, item.approval_id, item.company_name, `${item.type_report} ${item.periode}`, item.revision, item.status, statusConvert])
} else if (String(item.type_report).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("outlook")) {
listDashboard.push([index + 1, item.approval_id, item.company_name, `${item.type_report} ${item.periode}`, item.revision, item.status, statusConvert])
} else if (this.state.isApproverMB) {
if (String(item.type_report).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master")) {
......@@ -580,6 +583,11 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
listDashboard.push([index + 1, item.approval_id, item.company_name, `${item.type_report} ${item.periode}`, item.revision, item.status, statusConvert])
} else if (this.state.isApproverRO || this.state.isApproverOL) {
if (String(item.type_report).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("outlook")) {
listDashboard.push([index + 1, item.approval_id, item.company_name, `${item.type_report} ${item.periode}`, item.revision, item.status, statusConvert])
this.setState({ listDashboard, rawData })
......@@ -591,8 +599,10 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
this.setState({ loading: true })
let isApproverMR = false
let isApproverMB = false
let isApproverRO = false
let isApproverOL = false
api.create().getAM().then((response) => {
// console.log(response);
let actAMActive = []
let actAM =, index) => {
if (String(item.status).toLocaleLowerCase() == 'active') {
......@@ -608,6 +618,10 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
isApproverMR = true
} else if (item.approval_type_name === "MASTER_BUDGET") {
isApproverMB = true
} else if (item.approval_type_name === "ROLLING_OUTLOOK") {
isApproverRO = true
} else if (item.approval_type_name === "OUTLOOK_PA") {
isApproverOL = true
......@@ -616,7 +630,7 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
// this.getListUserSubco()
this.setState({ isApproverMB, isApproverMR })
this.setState({ isApproverMB, isApproverMR, isApproverRO, isApproverOL })
// this.getDashboardMB()
......@@ -707,14 +721,16 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
options: {
customBodyRender: (val, tableMeta) => {
// console.log(tableMeta);
// console.log(this.state.rawData);
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
<Link to={{
pathname: String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master") ? `/home/master-budget/` : `/home/monthly-report/`,
pathname: String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master") ? `/home/master-budget/` : String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("monthly") ? `/home/monthly-report/` : String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("rolling") ? `/home/rolling-outlook/` : `/home/outlook-performance/`,
state: {
userType: 'approver',
rawData: this.state.rawData[tableMeta.rowIndex],
month: String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master") ? null : getDataMonth(this.state.rawData[tableMeta.rowIndex])
month: String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("master") ? null : getDataMonth(this.state.rawData[tableMeta.rowIndex]),
quartal: String(tableMeta.rowData[3]).toLocaleLowerCase().includes("rolling") ? this.state.quarter.value : null
......@@ -1200,7 +1216,7 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
<div style={{ display: 'inline-flex' }}>
<div style={{ display: 'flex', overflowX: 'scroll', width: this.props.width * 0.95 }}>
{this.state.accessMB &&
<div style={{ flex: 1, padding: 20, width: '100%' }}>
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
......@@ -1385,8 +1401,7 @@ class HomePage extends Component {
pathname: `/home/rolling-outlook/`,
state: {
userType: 'user',
rawData: item,
quarter: this.state.quarter
rawData: {...item, quarter: this.state.quarter.value},
......@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ export default class OutlookPA extends Component {
this.setState({ loading: true })
this.props.selectIndex('Outlook Performance Appraisal')
if (this.props.location.state !== undefined) {
// console.log(this.props);
this.setState({ userType: this.props.location.state.userType, intent: 'Home', lastPeriod: this.props.location.state.rawData.periode, rawData: this.props.location.state.rawData }, () => {
this.setState({ userType: this.props.location.state.userType, intent: 'Home', lastPeriodProps: this.props.location.state.rawData.periode, rawData: this.props.location.state.rawData }, () => {
} else {
......@@ -118,7 +118,11 @@ export default class OutlookPA extends Component {
options: companyData,
getOptionLabel: (option) => titleCase(option.company_name),
this.setState({ listCompany: defaultProps, company: companyData[0] }, () => {
let indexID = null
if (this.state.rawData !== undefined) {
indexID = companyData.findIndex((val) => val.company_id == this.state.rawData.company_id)
this.setState({ listCompany: defaultProps, company: indexID == null ? companyData[0] : companyData[indexID] }, () => {
// // console.log(;
if ( > 0) {
......@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ export default class OutlookPA extends Component {
options: periodeData,
getOptionLabel: (option) => option.periode,
let periode = (this.state.lastPeriod == "" ? String(Number(currentYear) + 1) : Number(this.state.lastPeriod))
let periode = (this.state.lastPeriod == "" ? String(Number(currentYear) + 1) : this.state.lastPeriodProps == undefined ? this.state.lastPeriodProps : Number(this.state.lastPeriod))
let index = data.sort((a, b) => a - b).findIndex((val) => val == periode)
// console.log(data)
// console.log(this.state.lastPeriod)
......@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ export default class RollingOutlook extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.setState({ loading: true })
this.props.selectIndex('Rolling Outlook & CAT')
// if (this.props.location.state !== undefined) {
// console.log(this.props);
// this.setState({ userType: this.props.location.state.userType, intent: 'Home', lastPeriod: this.props.location.state.rawData.periode, rawData: this.props.location.state.rawData }, () => {
// this.checkApprover()
// })
// } else {
if (this.props.location.state !== undefined) {
this.setState({ userType: this.props.location.state.userType, intent: 'Home', lastPeriod: this.props.location.state.rawData.periode, rawData: this.props.location.state.rawData }, () => {
// }
} else {
getPermission() {
......@@ -452,7 +452,8 @@ export default class RollingOutlook extends Component {
let yearNow = dateNow.getFullYear()
// let indexMonthMR = MR.findIndex((val) => val.value == yearNow)
// console.log(yearNow)
let index = data.sort((a, b) => a - b).findIndex((val) => val == yearNow)
// let index = data.sort((a, b) => a - b).findIndex((val) => val == yearNow)
let index = data.sort((a, b) => a - b).findIndex((val) => val === periode)
// console.log(data)
// console.log(this.state.lastPeriod)
// console.log(periodeData)
......@@ -461,7 +462,11 @@ export default class RollingOutlook extends Component {
options: this.state.quarterList,
getOptionLabel: (option) =>
this.setState({ listPeriode: defaultProps, listQuarter: defaultPropsQuarter, quarter: this.state.quarterList[0], periode: index === -1 ? periodeData[0] : periodeData[index] }, () => {
let indexID = null
if (this.state.rawData !== undefined) {
indexID = this.state.quarterList.findIndex((val) => String(val.value).toLocaleLowerCase() == this.state.rawData.quarter)
this.setState({ listPeriode: defaultProps, listQuarter: defaultPropsQuarter, quarter: indexID == null ? this.state.quarterList[0] : this.state.quarterList[indexID], periode: index === -1 ? periodeData[0] : periodeData[index] }, () => {
// if (this.state.isApprover === true && this.state.submittedOnly) {
// this.getCompanySubmitted()
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