Commit 5e7e62c3 authored by Riri Novita's avatar Riri Novita

Issue Fahrur

parent 049b05d6
......@@ -1107,10 +1107,23 @@ export default class LOCF extends Component {
dataTable2 = newData.sort((a, b) => a[47] - b[47])
let lastArray = dataTable2[dataTable2.length - 1]
if (this.state.visibleLOCFMR == false) {
if (this.props.dataTablelocf) {
if (this.props.dataTablelocf.length !== dataTable2.length) {
this.setState({ updateData: true })
} else {
if (this.props.dataTablelocf) {
if (this.props.dataTablelocf.length !== dataTable2.length) {
this.setState({ updateData: true })
this.setState({ dataTable: dataTable2 }, () => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ loading: false })
this.props.sendToParent(dataTable2, lastArray, 'LOCF', 'tambah')
this.props.sendToParent(dataTable2, lastArray, 'LOCF', 'tambah', this.state.visibleLOCFMR, this.state.updateData)
}, 500)
......@@ -975,10 +975,23 @@ export default class LOV extends Component {
dataTable2 = newData.sort((a, b) => a[16] - b[16])
let lastArray = dataTable2[dataTable2.length - 1]
if (this.state.visibleLOVMR == false) {
if (this.props.dataTablelov) {
if (this.props.dataTablelov.length !== dataTable2.length) {
this.setState({ updateData: true })
} else {
if (this.props.dataTablelov) {
if (this.props.dataTablelov.length !== dataTable2.length) {
this.setState({ updateData: true })
this.setState({ dataTable: dataTable2 }, () => {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ loading: false })
this.props.sendToParent(dataTable2, lastArray, 'LOV', 'tambah', this.state.visibleLOVMR)
this.props.sendToParent(dataTable2, lastArray, 'LOV', 'tambah', this.state.visibleLOVMR, this.state.updateData)
}, 500)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import ReactTooltip from 'react-tooltip';
import { DatePicker } from '@material-ui/pickers';
import { format } from 'date-fns';
import { BorderStyle } from '@material-ui/icons';
import { includes } from 'ramda';
import { includes, update } from 'ramda';
import Snackbar from '@material-ui/core/Snackbar';
import MuiAlert from '@material-ui/lab/Alert';
import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
......@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
dataTable: [],
dataTableLOV: [],
dataTableLOCF: [],
datas: null,
lastArrayLOCF: null,
lastArrayLOV: null,
bankNameList: [],
......@@ -157,16 +158,16 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
dataTableForChild(data, array, params, type, visibleView) {
dataTableForChild(data, array, params, type, visibleView, updateData) {
// console.log(visibleView);
// console.log(type);
switch (params) {
case "LOV":
this.setState({ dataTableLOV: data, diffLOV: array[16], totalLoanLOV: array[17], perBSLOV: array[18], tambahLOV: type, visibleParent: visibleView == undefined ? true : visibleView })
this.setState({ dataTableLOV: data, diffLOV: array[16], totalLoanLOV: array[17], perBSLOV: array[18], tambahLOV: type, visibleParent: visibleView == undefined ? true : visibleView, updateData: updateData })
case "LOCF":
this.setState({ dataTableLOCF: data, diffLOCF: array[47], totalLoanLOCF: array[48] , perBSLOCF: array[49], tambah: type, visibleParent: visibleView == undefined ? true : visibleView })
this.setState({ dataTableLOCF: data, diffLOCF: array[47], totalLoanLOCF: array[48], perBSLOCF: array[49], tambah: type, visibleParent: visibleView == undefined ? true : visibleView, updateDataLOCF: updateData })
......@@ -278,180 +279,6 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
// backToMonthlyReportLOCF(type) {
// // this.setState({ loading: true })
// console.log('kok kesiniii');
// let dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelocf == undefined || this.state.tambah == 'tambah' || this.state.tambah == 'upload' ? this.state.dataTableLOCF : this.state.dataTablelocf
// let data = []
// let error = false
// this.deleteReport()
// => {
// console.log(i);
// if (i[0] == 3) {
// if (i[6] == null || i[7] == null || i[8] == "" || i[9] == "" || i[10] == "" || i[11] == "") {
// error = true
// }
// if (i[7].value == 'Others' && i[18] == '') {
// error = true
// }
// let tgl = String(i[9]).split('-')
// let checkUndifined = tgl.findIndex((val) => val == undefined)
// if ( == 2) {
// data.push({
// "item_report_id": i[1],
// "borrower_comp_name": i[5],
// "bank_name": i[6] == null ? [6] : i[6].value,
// "type_of_credit": i[7] == null ? i[7] : i[7].value,
// "remarks": i[8],
// "loan_maturity_date": i[9] == undefined || i[9] == "null" || i[9] == null ? "" : (String(tgl[2]).length <= 2 ? tgl[2] + '-' + tgl[1] + '-' + tgl[0] : String(i[9])),
// // "loan_maturity_date": i[9],
// "interest": i[10] == "" ? "0.00" : i[10],
// "currency": i[11],
// "loan_plafond_amount_ori": Number(i[12]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[12]),
// "loan_plafond_amount_idr": Number(i[13]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[13]),
// "out_loan_ki_amount_ori": Number(i[14]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[14]),
// "out_loan_ki_amount_idr": Number(i[15]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[15]),
// "out_loan_kmk_amount_ori": Number(i[16]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[16]),
// "out_loan_kmk_amount_idr": Number(i[17]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[17]),
// // "mtd_vs_previous_month": i[18],
// "out_loan_other_type": i[18],
// "out_loan_other_amount_ori": Number(i[19]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[19]),
// "out_loan_other_amount_idr": Number(i[20]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[20]),
// "total_out_loan_ori": Number(i[21]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[21]),
// "total_out_loan_idr": Number(i[22]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[22]),
// "remaining_plafond_ori": Number(i[23]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[23]),
// "remaining_plafond_idr": Number(i[24]) == "" ? "0.0" : Number(i[24]),
// "current_ratio_financial": Number(i[25]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[25]),
// "current_ratio_current": Number(i[26]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[26]),
// "der_financial": Number(i[27]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[27]),
// "der_current": Number(i[28]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[28]),
// "debt_to_ebitda_financial": Number(i[29]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[29]),
// "debt_to_ebitda_current": Number(i[30]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[30]),
// "ebitda_to_interest_financial": Number(i[31]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[31]),
// "ebitda_to_interest_current": Number(i[32]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[32]),
// "other_ratio1_ratio_name": i[33],
// "other_ratio1_financial": Number(i[34]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[34]),
// "other_ratio1_current": Number(i[35]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[35]),
// "other_ratio2_ratio_name": i[36],
// "other_ratio2_financial": Number(i[37]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[37]),
// "other_ratio2_current": Number(i[38]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[38]),
// "other_ratio3_ratio_name": i[39],
// "other_ratio3_financial": Number(i[40]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[40]),
// "other_ratio3_current": Number(i[41]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[41]),
// "other_ratio4_ratio_name": i[42],
// "other_ratio4_financial": Number(i[43]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[43]),
// "other_ratio4_current": Number(i[44]) == "" ? "0.00" : Number(i[44]),
// "notes": i[45],
// })
// } else {
// data.push({
// "item_report_id": i[1],
// "borrower_comp_name": i[5],
// "bank_name": i[6] == null ? [6] : i[6].value,
// "type_of_credit": i[7] == null ? i[7] : i[7].value,
// "remarks": i[8],
// "loan_maturity_date": i[9] == undefined || i[9] == "null" || i[9] == null ? "" : (String(tgl[2]).length <= 2 ? tgl[2] + '-' + tgl[1] + '-' + tgl[0] : String(i[9])),
// // "loan_maturity_date": i[9],
// "interest": i[10] == "" ? "0.00" : i[10],
// "currency": i[11],
// "loan_plafond_amount_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[12]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[12]), 1),
// "loan_plafond_amount_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[13]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[13]), 1),
// "out_loan_ki_amount_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[14]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[14]), 1),
// "out_loan_ki_amount_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[15]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[15]), 1),
// "out_loan_kmk_amount_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[16]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[16]), 1),
// "out_loan_kmk_amount_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[17]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[17]), 1),
// // "mtd_vs_previous_month": i[18],
// "out_loan_other_type": i[18],
// "out_loan_other_amount_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[19]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[19]), 1),
// "out_loan_other_amount_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[20]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[20]), 1),
// "total_out_loan_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[21]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[21]), 1),
// "total_out_loan_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[22]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[22]), 1),
// "remaining_plafond_ori": fixNumber(Number(i[23]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[23]), 1),
// "remaining_plafond_idr": fixNumber(Number(i[24]), 1) == "" ? "0.0" : fixNumber(Number(i[24]), 1),
// "current_ratio_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[25]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[25]), 2),
// "current_ratio_current": fixNumber(Number(i[26]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[26]), 2),
// "der_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[27]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[27]), 2),
// "der_current": fixNumber(Number(i[28]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[28]), 2),
// "debt_to_ebitda_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[29]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[29]), 2),
// "debt_to_ebitda_current": fixNumber(Number(i[30]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[30]), 2),
// "ebitda_to_interest_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[31]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[31]), 2),
// "ebitda_to_interest_current": fixNumber(Number(i[32]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[32]), 2),
// "other_ratio1_ratio_name": i[33],
// "other_ratio1_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[34]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[34]), 2),
// "other_ratio1_current": fixNumber(Number(i[35]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[35]), 2),
// "other_ratio2_ratio_name": i[36],
// "other_ratio2_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[37]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[37]), 2),
// "other_ratio2_current": fixNumber(Number(i[38]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[38]), 2),
// "other_ratio3_ratio_name": i[39],
// "other_ratio3_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[40]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[40]), 2),
// "other_ratio3_current": fixNumber(Number(i[41]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[41]), 2),
// "other_ratio4_ratio_name": i[42],
// "other_ratio4_financial": fixNumber(Number(i[43]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[43]), 2),
// "other_ratio4_current": fixNumber(Number(i[44]), 2) == "" ? "0.00" : fixNumber(Number(i[44]), 2),
// "notes": i[45],
// })
// }
// }
// })
// let payload = {
// "monthly_report_id": this.props.monthlyReportId,
// "company_id":,
// "periode": this.props.periode,
// "report_id": this.props.report_id,
// "status": type,
// "months": this.props.month.month_id,
// "currency_id":,
// "locf": data,
// "per_bs": this.state.perBSLOCF,
// "diff": this.state.diff,
// "total_loan": this.state.perBSLOCF
// }
// console.log(payload)
// // if (error && type == 'submitted') {
// // this.setState({ handleDoubleClick: 0, saveDraft: false, saveComp: true, loading: false, snekbar: true, snekbarMsg: 'Data Incomplete', handleDoubleClick: 0 })
// // } else {
// // api.create('UPLOAD').createMonthlyReportLOCF(payload).then(response => {
// // console.log(response);
// // if ( {
// // if ( === "success") {
// // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport('LOCF')
// // } else {
// // if ( == "Please Set Up Rate Currency First") {
// // this.setState({ visibleAlertSave: true })
// // } else {
// // this.setState({ alert: true, messageAlert:, tipeAlert: 'warning', loading: false }, () => {
// // = 'unset';
// // if ("Someone Logged In") ||"Token Expired")) {
// // setTimeout(() => {
// // localStorage.removeItem(Constant.TOKEN)
// // window.location.reload();
// // }, 1000);
// // }
// // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport()
// // })
// // }
// // }
// // // else {
// // // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => {
// // // this.props.saveToMonthlyReport()
// // // })
// // // }
// // } else {
// // this.setState({ loading: false }, () => {
// // // this.getSubmission()
// // = 'unset';
// // })
// // }
// // this.setState({ handleDoubleClick: 0 })
// // })
// // }
// }
backToMonthlyReportLOCF(type) {
console.log('masoook LOCF');
let dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelocf == undefined || this.state.tambah == 'tambah' || this.state.tambah == 'upload' ? this.state.dataTableLOCF : this.state.dataTablelocf
......@@ -624,10 +451,26 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
backToMonthlyReportLOV(type) {
console.log('masoook LOV');
let dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov == undefined || this.state.tambahLOV == 'tambah' || this.state.tambahLOV == 'upload' ? this.state.dataTableLOV : this.state.dataTablelov
let dataTable2 = []
let data = []
let error = false
// this.deleteReport()
if (this.state.dataTablelov !== undefined && this.state.tambahLOV == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
this.setState({ updateTambah: true, updateData: false })
if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'tambah' && this.state.updateData == false) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
console.log(dataTable2); => {
if (i[0] == 3) {
......@@ -698,7 +541,7 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
if (response.ok) {
if ( === "success") {
this.setState({ loadingChild : false})
this.setState({ loadingChild: false })
} else {
if ( == "Please Set Up Rate Currency First") {
this.setState({ visibleAlertSave: true })
......@@ -1022,14 +865,62 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
handleCalculateLOV = () => {
this.setState({ loading: true })
let dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov == undefined || this.state.tambahLOV == 'tambah' || this.state.tambahLOV == 'upload' ? this.state.dataTableLOV : this.state.dataTablelov
// console.log(this.state.dataTablelov);
// console.log(this.state.dataTableLOV);
// console.log(this.state.tambahLOV);
// console.log(this.state.visibleParent);
let dataTable2 = []
let data = []
let error = false
let bankNameEmpty = false
if (this.state.visibleParent == false) {
if (this.state.dataTablelov == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
} else {
if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'upload') {
this.setState({ updateTambah: true })
if (this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
this.setState({ cekTambah: true })
if (this.state.updateTambah == true && this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
if (this.state.cekTambah == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
this.setState({ updateData: true })
} else if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'tambah') {
if (this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
} else {
if (this.state.dataTablelov !== undefined && this.state.tambahLOV == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
this.setState({ updateTambah: true, updateData: false })
if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'tambah' && this.state.updateData == false) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
console.log(dataTable2); => {
if (i[6] == null) {
......@@ -1363,10 +1254,36 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
uploadLOV(type) {
console.log('masoook LOV');
let dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov == undefined || this.state.tambahLOV == 'tambah' || this.state.tambahLOV == 'upload' ? this.state.dataTableLOV : this.state.dataTablelov
let dataTable2 = []
let data = []
let error = false
// this.deleteReport()
if (this.state.dataTablelov == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
} else {
if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'upload') {
this.setState({ updateTambah: true })
if (this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
this.setState({ cekTambah: true })
if (this.state.updateTambah == true && this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
if (this.state.cekTambah == undefined) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
this.setState({ updateData: true })
} else if (this.state.tambahLOV = 'tambah') {
if (this.state.updateData == true) {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTablelov
} else {
dataTable2 = this.state.dataTableLOV
console.log(dataTable2); => {
if (i[0] == 3) {
......@@ -1436,7 +1353,7 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
if (response.ok) {
if ( === "success") {
this.setState({ loadingChild : false})
this.setState({ loadingChild: false })
// this.props.onClickClose()
// this.props.getReport()
} else {
......@@ -1746,7 +1663,7 @@ export default class ListOfCreditFacilities extends Component {
outline: 'none',
marginRight: 20
onClick={() => this.setState({saveTambahan: false, loadingChild: true }, () => {
onClick={() => this.setState({ saveTambahan: false, loadingChild: true }, () => {
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