Commit ea4b50e3 authored by Deni Rinaldi's avatar Deni Rinaldi

Merge branch 'deni' into 'master'


See merge request !10
parents ce69610f 933b415e
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { ScrollView, Text, KeyboardAvoidingView, BackHandler } from 'react-native'
import { ScrollView, Text, View, BackHandler, Image } from 'react-native'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
// Add Actions - replace 'Your' with whatever your reducer is called :)
// import YourActions from '../Redux/YourRedux'
// Styles
import styles from './Styles/MyAccountScreenStyle'
import BaseHeader from '../Components/BaseHeader';
import { Images } from '../Themes';
import BaseText from '../Components/BaseText';
class MyAccountScreen extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
array:[{ nama: "Data Diri", image: Images.icon_datadiri },
{ nama: "Daftar Alamat", image: Images.icon_daftaralamat },
{ nama: "Akun Bank", image: Images.icon_akunbank },
{ nama: "Kata Sandi", image: Images.icon_katasandi },
{ nama: "Keluar", image: Images.icon_keluar }]
backAction = () => {
......@@ -22,14 +35,28 @@ class MyAccountScreen extends Component {
componentWillUnmount() {
BackHandler.removeEventListener("hardwareBackPress", this.backAction);
render () {
render() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.container}>
<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior='position'>
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#4cc9f0' }}>
<BaseHeader leftText={'Akun Saya'} onBackPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()} />
<View style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', borderTopLeftRadius: 30, borderTopRightRadius: 30, width: '100%' }}>
<View style={{ paddingVertical: 40, paddingHorizontal: 30 }}>
{, index) => {
return (
<View style={{ marginTop: index==0 ? 0 : 30 }} key={index}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<Image source={item.image} style={{ width: 24, height: 24 }} />
<View style={{ justifyContent: 'center', marginLeft: 20 }}>
<BaseText type={"bold"} text={item.nama} style={{ fontSize: 14, color: '#4b4b4b' }} />
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import FontAwesome from 'react-native-vector-icons/FontAwesome'
import { Images } from '../Themes';
import Modal from 'react-native-modal';
import { TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import BaseHeader from '../Components/BaseHeader';
const { StatusBarManager } = NativeModules;
const STATUSBAR_HEIGHT = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 20 : StatusBarManager.HEIGHT;
......@@ -41,54 +42,54 @@ class RewardScreen extends Component {
return true;
drawerContent = () => {
return (
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', height: '100%', width: '100%', zIndex: 200 }}>
<ScrollView style={{ width: '75%', backgroundColor: 'white', borderTopRightRadius: 10 }}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: 25 }}>
<View style={{ width: '50%', paddingTop: 30 }}>
<Image source={Images.logo_eCart} style={{ width: 120, height: 35 }} />
<View style={{ elevation: 5, width: 85, height: 85, borderRadius: 85, borderWidth: 46, borderColor: 'white', marginTop: 25, backgroundColor: 'red', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }}>
<Image source={Images.beautyProduct} style={{ width: 85, height: 85, borderRadius: 85 }} />
<BaseText type={"bold"} text={'Kang Dadang'} style={{ fontSize: 18, color: '#4b4b4b', marginLeft: 5, marginTop: 10 }} />
<View style={{ width: '50%', alignItems: 'flex-end' }}>
{/* <Image source={Images.sliceCircleBlue} style={{width: '100%', height: 150}}/> */}
<View style={{ marginTop: 20, borderTopWidth: .5, borderTopColor: '#4b4b4b', alignItems: 'center', borderBottomWidth: .5, borderBottomColor: '#4b4b4b', paddingVertical: 10, paddingLeft: 30, flexDirection: 'row' }}>
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
<Image source={Images.icon_pesanansaya} style={{ width: 25, height: 30 }} />
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Pesanan Saya'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
<TouchableOpacity style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', paddingTop: 5, marginLeft: 25 }} >
<Image source={Images.icon_rewards} style={{ width: 25, height: 25 }} />
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Kupon & Rewards'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
<View style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', paddingTop: 9, marginLeft: 25 }}>
<Image source={Images.icon_dompetsaya} style={{ width: 25, height: 20 }} />
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Dompet Saya'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
<View style={{ paddingLeft: 30 }}>
{, index) => {
return (
<TouchableOpacity key={index}>
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={item} style={{ fontSize: 12, marginVertical: 20 }} />
<View style={{ width: '25%', backgroundColor: 'transparent', alignItems: 'center', }}>
<TouchableOpacity style={{ paddingTop: 30 }} onPress={this.toggleOpen}>
<Image source={Images.icon_backbulat} style={{ width: 50, height: 50 }} />
// drawerContent = () => {
// return (
// <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', height: '100%', width: '100%', zIndex: 200 }}>
// <ScrollView style={{ width: '75%', backgroundColor: 'white', borderTopRightRadius: 10 }}>
// <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', paddingLeft: 25 }}>
// <View style={{ width: '50%', paddingTop: 30 }}>
// <Image source={Images.logo_eCart} style={{ width: 120, height: 35 }} />
// <View style={{ elevation: 5, width: 85, height: 85, borderRadius: 85, borderWidth: 46, borderColor: 'white', marginTop: 25, backgroundColor: 'red', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }}>
// <Image source={Images.beautyProduct} style={{ width: 85, height: 85, borderRadius: 85 }} />
// </View>
// <BaseText type={"bold"} text={'Kang Dadang'} style={{ fontSize: 18, color: '#4b4b4b', marginLeft: 5, marginTop: 10 }} />
// </View>
// <View style={{ width: '50%', alignItems: 'flex-end' }}>
// {/* <Image source={Images.sliceCircleBlue} style={{width: '100%', height: 150}}/> */}
// </View>
// </View>
// <View style={{ marginTop: 20, borderTopWidth: .5, borderTopColor: '#4b4b4b', alignItems: 'center', borderBottomWidth: .5, borderBottomColor: '#4b4b4b', paddingVertical: 10, paddingLeft: 30, flexDirection: 'row' }}>
// <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column' }}>
// <Image source={Images.icon_pesanansaya} style={{ width: 25, height: 30 }} />
// <BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Pesanan Saya'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
// </View>
// <TouchableOpacity style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', paddingTop: 5, marginLeft: 25 }} >
// <Image source={Images.icon_rewards} style={{ width: 25, height: 25 }} />
// <BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Kupon & Rewards'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
// </TouchableOpacity>
// <View style={{ alignItems: 'center', flexDirection: 'column', paddingTop: 9, marginLeft: 25 }}>
// <Image source={Images.icon_dompetsaya} style={{ width: 25, height: 20 }} />
// <BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Dompet Saya'} style={{ fontSize: 9, marginTop: 5 }} />
// </View>
// </View>
// <View style={{ paddingLeft: 30 }}>
// {, index) => {
// return (
// <TouchableOpacity key={index}>
// <BaseText type={"regular"} text={item} style={{ fontSize: 12, marginVertical: 20 }} />
// </TouchableOpacity>
// )
// })}
// </View>
// </ScrollView>
// <View style={{ width: '25%', backgroundColor: 'transparent', alignItems: 'center', }}>
// <TouchableOpacity style={{ paddingTop: 30 }} onPress={this.toggleOpen}>
// <Image source={Images.icon_backbulat} style={{ width: 50, height: 50 }} />
// </TouchableOpacity>
// </View>
// </View>
// );
// };
toggleOpen = () => {
this.setState({ open: ! });
......@@ -170,7 +171,22 @@ class RewardScreen extends Component {
<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#4cc9f0' }}>
<BaseHeader leftText={this.state.intent == 'Dompet' ? 'Dompet' : 'Rewards'} onBackPress={() => this.props.navigation.goBack()} />
<View style={{ backgroundColor: '#fff', height: '100%', borderTopRightRadius: 20, borderTopLeftRadius: 20 }}>
<ScrollView style={{ backgroundColor: '#fff', borderTopRightRadius: 20, borderTopLeftRadius: 20 }} onScroll={this.handleScroll} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false}>
<Image source={this.state.intent == 'Dompet' ? Images.dompet : Images.reward} style={{ width: 100, height: 100, resizeMode: 'contain', marginTop: 50, alignSelf: 'center' }} />
<BaseText type={"bold"} text={this.state.intent == 'Dompet' ? 'Sisa Saldo Dompet Saya' : 'Rewards Point'} style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 10 }} />
<BaseText type={"bold"} text={this.state.intent == 'Dompet' ? 'Rp. 2.500.000' : '0'} style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 10, color: '#4cc9f0' }} />
{this.state.intent == 'Dompet' ?
<TouchableOpacity style={{ backgroundColor: '#4cc9f0', height: 45, borderRadius: 30, width: '80%', alignSelf: 'center', marginTop: 30 }} onPress={() => this.setState({ modalIsiUlang: true })}>
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Isi Ulang Saldo'} style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 10, color: 'white' }} />
</TouchableOpacity> :
<TouchableOpacity style={{ backgroundColor: '#4cc9f0', height: 45, borderRadius: 30, width: '80%', alignSelf: 'center', marginTop: 30 }}>
<BaseText type={"regular"} text={'Redeem'} style={{ fontSize: 16, textAlign: 'center', marginTop: 10, color: 'white' }} />
{/* <MenuDrawer
......@@ -200,7 +216,7 @@ class RewardScreen extends Component {
</MenuDrawer> */}
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ const images = {
icon_rewards: require('../Images/Icons/icon_rewards.png'),
icon_backbulat: require('../Images/Icons/icon_backbulat.png'),
icon_backwhite: require('../Images/Icons/icon_backwhite.png'),
icon_datadiri: require('../Images/Icons/icon_datadiri.png'),
icon_akunbank: require('../Images/Icons/icon_akunbank.png'),
icon_daftaralamat: require('../Images/Icons/icon_daftaralamat.png'),
icon_katasandi: require('../Images/Icons/icon_katasandi.png'),
icon_keluar: require('../Images/Icons/icon_keluar.png'),
closeBlack: require('../Images/Icons/icon_close_black.png'),
categoryAksesoris: require('../Images/categoryAksesoris.png'),
categoryCelana: require('../Images/categoryCelana.png'),
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